
Wednesday 14 May 2008

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, May 14th 2008

Outside my Window . . . Birds are singing. I can hear the cuckoo off in the distance, while robins and blackbirds serenade me right in my own back garden. The song thrush sits on the peak of our roof and sings to the world. A soft rain is beginning to fall. Refreshing after all the sunshine we have had this past week. The gardens surely need it.

I am thinking . . . How happy I am to be alive and living the life I live. So many in the world do not have even a portion of the blessings that I have. I'm warm. I'm safe. I'm loved. I have plenty of food to eat and things to wear. I lack for nothing. All my needs are met and plenty of my "I wants" as well. I'm grateful that I am able to see how blessed I am.

"Compare what you want with what you have, and you'll be unhappy; compare what you have with what you deserve and you'll be happy." ~Evan Esar

I am thankful for . . . a loving husband and family, a good job, my faith and my friends. For a believer's heart and the courage to stand by my convictions. Love is central; people, not things are important and the moment is now.

From the kitchen . . . I'm going to be baking some Maple Nut Scones this afternoon to be enjoyed with my beloved this evening after I get home from work. We'll sit in our chairs next to each other and hold hands as we watch some telly together. He'll tell me how good they are and I'll smile in my heart. All I ever wanted was this . . . may it ever be so.

I am creating . . . I have several commissions on the go with my art work and as ever I am always writing a story . . . or two or three.

I am going . . . to France for the day on Saturday with a good friend, her husband and one of their daughters, and Todd as well. We will have a good day together and I'm really looking forward to it. We'll do a bit of sight seeing, a bit of eating, a bit of shopping and it will be wonderful to see it all again through the eyes of a child. That is something Todd and I very rarely, if ever, get to do. It will be wonderful!

I am wearing . . . a long pale yellow cotton night dress and my slippers. This time of day that is my uniform . . . pajamas of some sort. I'd actually live in them if I could, but then I wouldn't get half the pleasure out of wearing them that I do now . . . they'd become everyday and not so much of a treasure.

I am reading . . . Joseph and Emma, A Love Story, Book 1, by Marsha Newman and Buddy Youngreen. I'm enjoying every minute of it. It's exciting, romantic and I'm learning even more about the man who founded my church and the wonderful relationship he shared with his wife, Emma. True to historical accounts, it speaks of their trials and tribulations and their joys and triumphs. I highly recommend even if you are not a member of our church.

I am hoping . . . to get some more work done on my cookbook later on in the week, and perhaps even get it finished. Famous last words!

I am hearing . . . the birds singing in the garden and the soft sound of Jess's breathing as she lays next to my chair. She is good company.

Around the house . . . laundry to iron, but then there always is, so it's nothing new. (I'm thankful for a husband who does this for me) Some books to put away. (again nothing new as the both of us are always reading something) Photos of loved ones living far away. (They are a daily reminder of the ones that I love and help me to feel closer to them) Special trinkets and treasures. (reminders of special times and people and of great sentimental value)

One of my favorite things . . . sitting here each morning and penning my thoughts. It is a quiet time of reflection for me, and a time where I feel like I am visiting and sharing with a much loved group of friends. I think I get far more out of it than I ever give, which is pretty wonderful.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week . . . a bit of painting, a bit of writing, a lot of loving, lots of cooking, and spending time with friends. What more could a girl want?

This has been an entry in the Simple Women's Daybook, which you can read all about here on The Simple Woman . I know it's supposed to be done on Monday's, but I felt like doing it today . . . because that's me . . . and I can . . . and I just did. *smile*

I tortured my Todd again yesterday with some pasta. I know, I'm a terrible woman. He didn't complain too awfully much this time . . . but then, he never does. Do you think perhaps he's getting used to it? Hope springs eternal! I did temper it with a huge piece of the Florida pie at the end, sort of as a reward I guess! (I have always found it's much better to season the bad with a little bit of good . It goes down a lot easier that way!)

*Tuna, Asparagus and Lemon Pasta*
(with rocket and pine nuts)
Serves 4

This tasty dish is so quick to make and full of lovely spring flavours. It's the perfect way to use up some of that delicious spring asparagus that is making it's presence known in the markets right now!

400g dried pasta (I used farfalle)
250g fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
200 ml tub of half fat creme fraiche
1 fat clove of garlic, peeled and minced
the grated zest of one lemon
50g of toasted pine nuts
2 tins of solid albacore white tuna, drained and broken into large chunks
50g bag of Wild Rocket (arugula)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Bring a pot of salted water to the boil and put the pasta into it to cook according to the package directions. About 4 minutes before it is finished, put the asparagus into the basket of a steamer and place it over top of the cooking pasta, steaming it until just crispy tender. Drain all together, reserving about 3 TBS of the cooking water.

While the pasta and asparagus are cooking, place the creme fraiche in a small saucepan along with the garlic and the lemon zest. Simmer gently for about 2 minutes, then season generously with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Return the pasta and the aspagarus to the saucepan along with the reserved cooking water. Tip in the creme fraiche mixture and the rocket. give it a stir until the rocket wilts someone. Fold in the tuna and the pine nuts. Serve immediately.


  1. The pasta looks fabulous. I love reading about you and learning from your positive outlook on life. You are an inspiration.

    Do you have a good recipe for strawberry rhubarb pie?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really loved this post today, see what's happening for you right now, today, and how happy you are in this very moment! :o) You are ever an inspiration to me, dear friend! And so are your recipes...this one is super. I want to make it this weekend. Have the most marvelous, grand time in FRANCE!! I'll be eager to hear all about your happy journey to you all ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Great post! I like that it is a meme in a way. And a lovely one at that!

  5. That is so inspiring, Marie! I love it when people share a bit of their everyday lives! Hope that you have loads of fun in France!

  6. I love this post. Yesterday, I swear sitting down with a cup of tea after two hours of gardening made my life complete. It never tasted so good.
    It's true that simple things are really very big in the scheme of things.
    The pasta sounds delicious. Farfalle always puts a smile on my kid's faces.

  7. So many lovely thoughts all in one post. You passed your smile along to me.

  8. Fearless Kitchen14 May 2008 at 16:17

    This looks so good I'd be surprised if Todd could complain too much about it. I like how you've used pine nuts!

  9. Hi Marie - I think Todd is not so much USED to pasta as RESIGNED to it. Like Keith with coconut (chortle-chortle)
    love, Angie, xx

  10. Such a wonderful post Marie.
    Your recipe sounds so good that I saved it as DH would like it as he loves pasta.

  11. Marie, I love reading your blog. I usually share my first cup of coffee with you in the morning! I know you are a praying woman and I want you to add my grand-niece to your prayers tonight. Holly is 13 and has loving Christian parents who are worried sick about her. She seems to have "lost her way" in her young life and wants nothing to do with them. She says she hates them, will not speak to them and has moved out of their home and in with her grandparents. It's a very sad and fearful situation and we are asking for prayers for Holly from as many people as we can count on. You do not have to print this comment if you choose not to, but just remember Holly tonight.

  12. Wow I felt like I was sitting right next to you! You are seriously an amazing writer Marie, I hope you get published...cook book, fiction, whatever it is you are writing. I would definitely read it over and over and over and over...

  13. Have a wonderful time in France! It's such a weird thought to me you can just hop off to another country. I guess that'd be like us going to Louisiana. How long does it take to get there? It takes us 8 hours just to go to Shreveport.

    I loved the pasta! I KNOW my picky Ben would eat that. But what is creme fraiche? Is that like ricotta cheese or alfredo sauce?

  14. Alovely posting once again Marie.Late in the day I am commenting but worth coming along to read as usual.I do not like Past much I think you know,but still your other followers seem well tempted LOL!!I hope you enjoy evey minute of your evening with your lovely Todd.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand

  15. Love your blog Marie. I have been looking at all your wonderful quotes from our church leaders and think it's so good to hear from another sister.
    I found your blog on Tuesday with Dorie and fell in love with all the wonderful pictures and recipes.
    Thanks again. Another Dori

  16. "I'll smile in my heart"
    I like the imagery this sentence brings to me!



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