
Monday 12 May 2008

Monday Morning This and That

It Doesn't Always Follow

It isn't the man who knows the most
Who has the most to say;
Nor yet the one who's wealthiest
Who gives the most away.

It isn't the bird in the gilded cage
Who sings the sweetest song,
Nor yet the girl who's prettiest
That's faithful, true and strong.

~Author Unknown

Just a few words, but so much meaning. I like them. Funny how it is how the things that the world at large values the most, are also the things that have the least value. A good example of this is Paul Potts, the winner of last years "Britain's Got Talent" contest. He was a very un-remarkable looking man, quite plain and a bit pudgy, with a broken tooth. If you had passed him on the street, most would not have given him a second look . . . but when he opened his mouth to sing . . . his voice blew all the judges and indeed the audience completely out of the water. He went on to sing before the Queen and to sell millions of records world wide, becoming an international star. And yet, had he just walked into a recording studio off the street they probably would have kicked him out, as he did not fit the image of what the world tells us that a recording star should have.

We live in a world with really messed up values. We allow the media to dictate to us what is of worth or to be admired. We value things like beauty, prestige and wealth more than we do things like a good heart, kindness or generosity. We stumble over real treasures and ignore them, in our quest for things that sparkle and glitter and distract us from the things in life that have real meaning and worth. We yearn after birds in gilded cages, when the robins in our own gardens sing to us the most beautiful song of all.

I have made it a quest for myself to be content these past years with what I have and who I am. I do not yearn or long for things that are out of reach. I take each day as it comes and enjoy it for what it is . . . . a gift. I treasure those around me, and look for the good in everything as much as I can, which is not always easy, but always worth it, for . . . in doing so, I have discovered true gems. There is so much value in the simple things and in simple people and in simple ways. Seek not outside yourself for joy . . . for true joy resides within . . .

The little fella from next door came over yesterday afternoon with his new pets, two gerbils which he has named Maisie and Jess. He was so cute with them and really they were adorable little things. The one named Jess kept washing her face. I'm not so sure I'd like them running around my house, but he was well pleased with them and it brought a real smile to my face to see him so happy with them.

Yesterday was the first Mother's Day in a number of years that I actually heard from all of my children. It was really good and I was well pleased. I also got to talk to my own mother and she loved the painting I had sent to her, which thankfully arrived in time! We had a good old chat and put to rights all the problems of the world! Living so far away from her over here, I really and truly miss her. Thank goodness for telephones and the blessing we have of instant and somewhat affordable communication!

We have had such lovely weather this past week, and to continue on for a few more days! Sunny and warm, one is afraid to take it for granted just in case this is the only summer we get. It HAS been known to happen in the past!! All the leaves on the trees have burst out into green foliage and the bushes are all blooming, as are the apple trees. The air is filled to bursting with beautiful scents, lilac, apple blossom, hawthorne . . . it's a most beautiful time of year. I have planted the corn seeds that a kind friend in America sent over to me and am patiently waiting for them to germinate. I check them each day and think of feasting on lovely North American style corn on the cob in August all slathered in butter and salt . . . yumm yumm!! I have my fingers crossed as that will be a real treat indeed!

Pork is one of those meats that can dry out really fast and be really tough. I like to buy thick boneless loin chops and then beat them until they are thinner with my rolling pin. This breaks down the fibres in the meat, making them more tender. Flash cooking helps to keep them moist. It's a win/win situation. Todd loves it when I make these delicious chops for dinner.

*Lemon and Oregano Pork Chops*
Serves 4

These tasty chops are quick, easy and flavourful. I have included a simple recipe to make some lemon mayonnaise, just using ingredients to hand, which is the perfect accompaniment. Sometimes the simplest meals are the tastiest!

Finely grated zest and juice of one large lemon
4 ounces dry bread crumbs
2 tsp dried oregano
salt and black pepper to taste
4 boneless pork loin chops
2 TBS sunflower oil
To serve:
Lemon mayonnaise

Take a shallow plate and on it mix together the bread crumbs, lemon zest and oregano. Set it aside.

Squeeze the lemon juice iinto another shallow plate and set it aside.

Place the pork chops into a plastic bag, one at a time, and beat it with the length of your rolling pin on each side until they are half as thick as they started out. Season each one generously with some salt and pepper on each side. Working with one at a time, dip them first in the lemon juice and then into the bread crumb mixture until they are well coated.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan over high heat and cook the pork for about 3 minutes on each side, until the crumbs are crisp and nicely browned and the pork is just cooked through.

Serve each on a heated plate with some lemon mayonnaise. Boiled new potatoes and a simple steamed vegetable such as green beans or carrots go very well with these.

*Lemon Mayonnaise*
Makes about 1/2 cup

4 TBS good quality mayonnaise (I use Hellman's)
the juice of half a lemon
the zest of half a lemon
1 tsp Dijon mustard
freshly ground black pepper

Mix together all the ingredients with a fork or small whisk until well incorporated and seasoning to taste with a good grinding of black pepper.

PS. I note that the clear winner of my Make Me Bake poll this week is Maple Nut Scones! I shall put another poll up later today! Look for the scones real soon. My Todd will love these. I can see him eating them tonight perhaps with a nice cup of warm herbal tea and plenty of cold butter melting into the nutty sweet goodness!


  1. The Paul Potts analogy was a good one. Sometimes it's hard to see past the surface but it's worth looking. Don't be too long with the scones - Keith's tripping over his tongue! Well, I am to but that's just between you and me!
    love, Angie, xx

  2. My Oh my, these chops do like very good (and simple)!

  3. Marie, the chops look wonderful. I'm not surprised that Todd likes them, I know I would.

  4. I came across your blog while looking for a recipe,and I am so happy i found this blog your words are so comforting and inspiring thank you for this blog GB

  5. I love Paul Potts! It was such a sweet story I almost bawled when I heard him sing.

    Do you want any jalepenos or chillis to grow? Any salsa or anything? That's practically like water here in SA. I can send some your way! Then you could have Mexican food every night!

  6. Marie, those chops look really, really good. Like you, I like to look beneath the surface of people. Sometimes I am dissappointed, sometimes surprised.

  7. Marie - I wished I'd had this recipe last week when we had pork chops and I didn't know what to do with them (other than the orinary)!
    Looks lovely.

  8. Marie,

    Another winning recipe! We love pork and this is sure to please my husband. The mayo recipe also sounds superb. Looking forwad to the scone recipe, too. Your photos are wonderful and so interesting, too.....wish I had all your talents!

    Judy - Scottsdale, AZ

  9. Those pork chops look lovely Marie.

  10. "I have made it a quest for myself to be content these past years with what I have and who I am."

    I think we'd all do good by ourselves if we followed your example.

  11. Hi Marie
    Those are such true words. Things have been very stressful around here lately and I find myself wanting a different life, and being dissatisfied. Thanks for the reminder.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  12. Really enjoyed this post, Marie. Hope the corn grows tall and sweet! Those pork chops look delicious and I am going to try that recipe. Your photos are lovely - I need to take some around Concord of the Spring flowering trees - making me so happy this year. xo

  13. I will be adding this pork chop recipe to my repertoire!!



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