
Tuesday 20 May 2008

Blueberries From Heaven . . . or What the Fairy Left

"You ought to have seen what I saw on my way
To the village, through Mortensons pasture today!
Blueberries as big as the end of your thumb.
Real sky blue, and heavy and ready to drum
In the cavernous pail of the first one to come!"
~Blueberries, by Robert Frost

We all know what today is, it's Tuesdays With Dorie day! The one day a week that oodles and oodles of us baking aficionados get together and bake one of Dorie's delicious recipes from her now world famous book, "Baking, from my home to yours." This weeks choice was Traditional Madeleines on pages 166-168, as chosen by Smells Like Home by Tara . I've always loved Madeleines and would so loved to have made that recipe and I was really hoping to be able to access a Madeleine pan, but alas . . . I was not able to do so. No worries though, as the powers that be foresaw that problem, and provided an alternate option. If we were unable to procure the correct pan, we were allowed to go back and bake one of the past recipes, perhaps one that we had not already worked with.

So, what do you do when you don't have a Madeleine pan and a little fairy drops some blueberries on your doorstep????

Why you bake Orange Blueberry Muffins of course!!! And . . . that's just what I did! They came in mighty handy too as we had guests overnight on Friday night and muffins make great breakfasts for people on the run as we all were on Saturday morning as we popped off to France!

I love the technique that Dorie uses in her recipes of rubbing the sugar and citrus fruit zests together. It smells magnificent, and I could stand there all day and rubbing and sniffing. It's almost addictive. If I could find a way to do so, I would bottle it and dab it behind my ears and elbows each morning, but alas . . . I am sadly lacking in the proficiency to become a perfumier. (Is that a word??? It is now!)

Coming from Eastern Canada, the home of wild blueberries, I am well versed in making things with blueberries, and blueberry muffins are no stranger to me . . . but I had never actually made Orange Blueberry Muffins, lemon normally being the flavour I would have put with blueberries. Orange was something different, but sounding delicious all the same.

What can you say about making muffins??? All muffin recipes are basically the same. You whisk together the dry ingredients. You beat together the wet . . . and then you stir the two together, without over mixing, so that the resultant muffins are tender instead of tough. This recipe was no exception. I ended up with more batter than could be held in my 12 cup pan though and so baked several in my friand pan. They also cooked alot quicker than the recipe stated as when I opened the door to sprinkle some demerara sugar on top of them after the ten minutes suggested, my muffins were already too far gone to be able to do that with successfully. Oh well . . . this was probably as a result of having a smaller pan than Dorie's, obviously.

They did turn out lovely and tender . . . and chock full of blueberries. Not too sweet, and with a lovely texture, they were pleasing on all levels and everyone gobbled them up with glee. I never had a chance to try them split and toasted as per Dorie's suggestion, but I know that I will make these again so perhaps next time . . .

*Orange Blueberry Muffins*
Makes 12 regular sized muffins

grated zest and juice of 1 orange
about 3/4 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs
3 TBS honey
1 stick (8 TBS) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1/3 cup sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup blueberries, fresh preferably, or frozen (not thawed)
Decorating sugar for topping (optional)

Getting ready: Centre a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 400*F/200*C. Butter or spray the 12 molds in a regular size muffin pan or fit the molds with paper muffin cups. Alternatively, use a silicone muffin pan, which needs neither greasing nor paper cups. Place the muffin pan on a baking sheet.

Pour the orange juice into a large glass measuring cup or a bowl and pour in enough buttermilk to make 1 cup. whisk in the eggs, honey and melted butter.

In a large bowl, rub the sugar and orange zest together with your fingertips until the sugar is moist and the fragrance of orange strong. Whisk in the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Pour the liquid ingredients over the dry ingredients and, with the whisk or a rubber spatula, gently but quickly stir to blend. Don't worry about being thorough - the batter will be lumpy and bubbly, and that's just the way it should be. Stir in the blueberries. Divide the batter evenly among the muffin cups.

Bake for 22 to 25 minutes. If you want to top the muffins with decorating sugar, sprinkle on the sugar after the muffins have baked for 10 minutes. When fully baked, the tops of the muffins will be golden and springy to the touch and a thin knife inserted into the centre of the muffins will come out clean. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool for 5 minutes before carefully removing each muffin from it's mold.

Serving: The muffins are great warm or at room temperature and they're particularly great split, toasted and spread with butter or jam.

Storing: Like all muffins these are best eaten the day they are made. If you want to keep them, wrap them airtight and pop them into the freezer, where they'll keep for up to 2 months; rewarm in a 350*F/180*C oven, if you'd like or split and toast them.

Next week's recipe will be Pecan Honey Sticky Buns on pages 51-53, as chosen by Madame Chow of Madame Chow’s Kitchen . OH yum! Can you imagine how good those will be. Anything with the words Pecan, Honey and Sticky all in one sentence has to be decadently moreish! This could be dangerous!!!


  1. I can vouch for these babies, they tasted as good as they looked. Thanks for a great weekend Marie!

  2. oh, these are beautiful! i made them awhile back, and we loved them, too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. crickeys! my computer spazzed out and i sent the same comment 3 times-- so sorry!!

  6. crickeys! my computer spazzed out and i sent the same comment 3 times-- so sorry!!

  7. Well, I am loving those muffins. I do hope you get a pan eventually though...I love mine.

  8. Mmmm YUM! They look good, Paul would eat the lot of those lol

  9. salivating at those muffins!!! I'll be makingthese for sure! I love blueberries. and muffins. Oh, who am I kidding....I love food.

    Your fairy is adorable!


  10. Tasty! How do you keep blueberries sweet instead of tart?

  11. Beautiful little muffins, chock-full of blueberries!

  12. I had to order my pans...but oh my your muffins look delicious. I love orange and blueberries together!

  13. Astounding!!! Those muffins look very nice. Orange with blueberries would be really good, I am thinking. Thanks for a keeper!

  14. Oh...Marie! I was going to make those in case I didn't get a madeleine pan. I'm still going to make them. They look stunning!

  15. These look have with my coffee right about now. Makes me wish we had blueberries here! Yum!

  16. She does have some interesting ideas. Like the citrus sugar rubbing that I too find heavenly. The muffins look great. The blueberries did not sink. Yeah!

  17. I had to order my pans too--it was worth it though, for I love them! These muffins looks oh, soooo good! The recipe is quite similar to my own blueberry muffin recipe. mmmm...yummy! Happy Day, sweet friend ((BIG HUGS))

  18. OH sweet blueberry heaven! Those are gorgeous!

  19. I would kill for one of these right now....perfect with my tea! they are beautiful and just sound delicious.

  20. Dear Marie,
    How sweet of you to comment on my blog when you are so busy and have so many readers. I feel honored to have you drop by.

    Also, you really made me stop and think of how blessed I am. I often "complain" about having 5 of my grandchildren 12 hours away from us by car, and 3 of them 1/2 way across the states, a long plane ride away. I only have 3 that live near by us that we see often. However, after reading your comment about having your 2 little ones an ocean away from you, I realize how very lucky I really am.

    Thank you.... today you warmed my soul with more than muffins.
    Have a great day.

  21. These look wonderful! Your guest was lucky to be at your home!

  22. Oh, those look like such tasty little morsels. I love blueberries!

  23. LOVE blueberry muffins, and with orange? That sounds even more lovely. I've never tried them toasted either, but I may have to take Dorie up on that suggestion next time I have some. YUM!

  24. Yum! I made these muffins too, but with a slightly different spin.

  25. ooohhh these are on my must-bake list too! They look so goooood bursting with blueberry innards! Great job!
    Clara @ I♥food4thought

  26. Lovely muffins, Marie. I love blueberry and I bet it's nice with the orange flavour.

  27. Oh, these look yummy! This was my first week baking at TWD and I am thinking of going back and baking all the things everyone has already baked. I was going to start with these muffins before I even saw yours...because they were the first recipe in the book, and because we eat muffins around here for a quick on-the-go breakfast. Yours are very inspiring...would you just look at all those luscious blueberries!!!

  28. Picture perfect! Gosh those blueberries are gigantic!

  29. Well Marie....I haven't forgotten you and thank you for your kind words & encouragment on my journey. I have been reading & reading & am still behind on your blog. You are always in my thoughts. The muffins look absolutely delicious, but my question is if I wanted lemon blueberry would I just substitue the orange? I need to find a way to reduce the "calorie" & "fat" factor on them....I know that won't be as YUMMY...but....

    Did you ever get my package? I am figuring you have not since you haven't said anything.

    Your trip to France sounds I wish I could travel over the "pond" & sightsee..I would be in Heaven.

    Have a great day....Michele

  30. these look so and blueberry, two of my favorites. i might have to make them soon!

  31. Whenever blueberries are mentioned I get a bit jealous because they're so flippin' expensive up here. Our local Asda puts about 2 dozen of them in a plastic box and charges the earth for them so they have to stsy on the shelf! Well, you can't do much with so few can you?
    love, Angie, xx

  32. I do love a good blueberry muffin and these look deeelish!

  33. Ooooh those look wonderful! I tried this recipe a few months ago and failed miserably but your pictures give me inspiration to try again!

  34. Those muffins are gorgeous, I love blueberries and orange together!

  35. I really want to try those! Nice job!

  36. your muffins look so fluffy and light!

  37. Those blueberry muffins looks so good. The blueberries are really big!

  38. Your muffins look amazing. I can't wait for blueberry season.

  39. what gorgeous pictures (and what good lookin' muffins, too!) I may have to try these once the blueberry farm opens!

  40. I love muffins! These look absolutely delicious. I can't hardly wait for blueberry season and those wonderful blueberries from Lac St. Jean here in Quebec.

  41. I love blueberry muffins and these look soooooo good! I think they were the perfect substitute for madeleines!

  42. Oh yum, those muffins look fabulous. Great job!

  43. I absolutely agree with you about the lemon and sugar. It's nice to also find another twd user in England. Greetings


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