
Wednesday 7 May 2008

Awards, Winners and a Giveaway

"Who knows but that something wonderful may happen today. Have Faith that it will. After all, every morning is a chance at a new day!" ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Here it is my 150th post and I have two reasons to celebrate and a whole lot of things to give away! I was just thrilled to discover a day or so ago that Lindsey of Cafe Johnsonia had gifted me with a "Blogger With Purpose" award. I just love getting awards! For one thing it lets me know that my readers appreciate all my work and effort and two, it affords me the opportunity to pass them on in turn to other bloggers that I love and adore!

Here's my five chosen recipients for the "Blogger With Purpose" award in no specific order:

1. Nicole from the blog Poppins
Nicole is a pretty nifty young lady from America (Utah to be exact) who is living and working over here in England as a nanny! Hence the play on Mary Poppins in the title of her blog. Her writing is both brilliant and entertaining and a wonderful insight to a foreigners view of life in England and a spectacular travelogue as Nicole visits various areas in the UK and Europe on her days off. I happen to know Nicole personally, but that's not why I am gifting her with this award. I'm gifting it to her because she is a fantastic writer and woman of heart!

2. Tracy from the blog Pink Purl
Tracy is another American lady, that now lives in Norway. Her page is beautiful. On there you will find a feast for the eyes and the soul. She designs and creates beautiful handbags and jewelry and is the gentlest, kindest lady you could ever want to know. Visiting her page is like breathing in a lovely breath of fresh air. I love her to bits. I also happen to know her personally, but that not why I'm giving her this award personally either. I'm gifting it to her because I think she makes a difference in the blogging world to all those whose lives she touches with her words!

3. Miranda of A Duck In Her Pond
Miranda is a really saavy and sweet lady from across the pond in Texas. Now, I have often heard that things are bigger and better in Texas, but I have come to believe that they also create brilliant writers in Texas as well and great women of heart. I have come to know Miranda through the wonderful words she pens on her page. She writes lovely stories about "The Land Under the Flowered Bed", with brilliant and tangeable characters, her words never failing to weave a magical spell around the reader. Why this girl is not yet published is beyond me! Trust me when I say, it won't be long!

4. Chelle of The Value of Cheerfulness
I've been visiting Chelle's page for a couple of years now. She has such a gentle and sweet spirit and it shows in every one of her posts. Her pages share with us her lovely life with her husband and wee little girl. She's a great young woman with a lot of faith and purpose in life and it comes through with ever post. Visiting her page is like taking a holiday in a warm and gentle place where flowers bloom all year round and the air is filled with joy.

5. Misty of A Road Less Travelled
I've only just discovered Misty over these past few months but feel as if I've known her forever. She writes from the perspective of a mother who grew up being abused and of her struggle to break that cycle. She's a fabulous mother and wife and woman of faith. Well, I'll let her words tell you. "Let this account stand as a witness that I have chosen to not be silenced. A witness that I am happy, that I have over come, that I am not bound my their chains. Let this blog be a witness of how proud I am to claim my past as my truth, and let this blog witness that I am every thing with out them." If ever anyone was a blogger with purpose, Misty is one!

So there you have it, my five recipients of the "Blogger With A Purpose" award. Ladies, wear it with pride, for you well deserve it! Now, if you want to, (you have a choice here, it's not mandatory) it's your turn to nominate your favorite blogs to receive a "Blogging with a Purpose" award. Here's what you do:

1. nominate 5 blogs which haven't had this award before
2. each of the blogs must have a purpose
3. the nominated blogs must make a link back to this page
4. the logo from the award must be put on their blog and it must link back to this blog!

It's as simple as that! Now, because I love to give people things I would also like to give each one of these ladies a small print of their choice of my artwork. Just a little momento like, so ladies take a gander at my work, pick your favourite piece and then let me know which one you would like and your mailing address and before you know it, a little piece of me will be winging it's way towards you!

In honor of my 150th post, I would also like to give to one of you, my readers, the opportunity to be put into a draw for what else, but . . . a cookbook!! Annie Bell's "In My Kitchen." Annie Bell is one of my favourite food writers, and this is one of my favourite books, and NO I'm not giving away my copy, but a brand spanking new copy. I have always thought that, if you give someone something that you love yourself, then you are giving them a real treasure! This book is just full of lovely recipes to prepare for family and friends! If you want to be in on the giveaway just leave a comment in this post, and next week I shall draw one of your lucky names as a winner, but then again, you are all winners to me! (Don't worry about your location, I'll post it anywhere!)

I thought I better give you my cottage pie recipe before it gets too warm for eating comfort food like this. My Todd is a real meat and potatoes man and is never happier than when I plunk down a nice plate of comfort food in front of him. He could eat this tasty dish every night of the week, he loves it so. Cottage Pie and Shepherd's Pie are not the same thing. While they are very similar in execution, cottage pie is made with either minced beef or leftover roast beef, and, shepherd's pie is made with minced lamb or leftover roast lamb. Both are totally delicious and what I'd consider to be comforting, moreish family food, although in all honesty I would not hesitate to serve this up to a good friend either. Then again, friends are family you get to choose for yourself aren't they?

*Cottage Pie*
Serves 4

Tender and flavourful minced beef topped with a tasty mixture of mashed potatoes and leeks. This is comfort food at it's best. I do not recommend freezing it with the topping of mashed potatoes, but feel free to make up the meat mixture and freeze that as it freezes very well. Then when you want a quick meal you can just thaw it out, spread it in a casserole dish and top it with some fresh mash! The melted cheese on top is it's crowning glory!

1 pound of minced extra lean beef
2 medium onions, peeled and chopped
1 medium carrot, peeled and finely chopped
1/3 of a small swede (rutabaga) peeled and finely chopped
2 TBS olive oil
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp dried summer savoury, or mixed herbs if you can't get the summer savoury
1 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
1 TBS plain flour
1 TBS tomato puree (tomato paste)
10 ounces of hot beef stock (I use stock cubes)
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 pounds floury potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
a splash of cream or whole milk
salt and a grating of fresh nutmeg to taste
2 medium leeks, cleaned well and chopped
2 ounces butter
2 ounces of grated strong cheddar cheese

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Grease a shallow baking dish well with butter and set aside.

Heat a large skillet and add the oil. When it is hot add the onions and cook, stirring over medium heat until they are soft. Add the carrot and swede and continue to cook and stir for about 5 minutes. Add the minced beef, and cook and stir for about 10 minutes, until the meat and the vegetables are beginning to brown. Season the mixture to taste with salt and pepper to taste, and then sprinkle with the, cinnamon, herbs and the flour. Stir in the tomato puree and the stock, cooking and stirring until it thickens and comes to a simmer. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer for about 20 minutes while you make the topping.

Put the potatoes in a pot of salted water and bring to the boil. Cook until tender and then drain well. While they are cooking, melt the butter in a heated skillet and add the leeks. Cook the leeks in the butter until they are thoroughly cooked and softened, without browning. Remove from the heat. Drain the cooked potatoes well and then return them to the pot. Mash the potatoes well and season with a bit of salt and fresh nutmeg. Stir in a bit of cream to slacken them somewhat and make them fluffy and then stir in the cooked leeks with the butter that they have cooked in. Mix all together well.

Spoon the hot meat mixture into the greased baking dish. Spread the potato mixture evenly over the top. Sprinkle on the grated cheese. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 25 to 30 minutes until the top is crusty and golden brown and the filling is bubbling up.

PS What do you all think of the music I have added? Is it good or not?


  1. I am so glad I found your blog. I eagerly read your post daily--here it is 12:38 and I am reading "tomorrows". Jan in Houston

  2. Hi Marie,
    I always love reading your blog, and it's great that you're offering a cookbook giveaway!

  3. Wow Marie!! 150 posts! Congrats!!
    :) Woot!!! That pie looks delish!! yummy!

  4. Great blog choices. I'll have to go visit them often!

    I'd love to win that book.

    And we love cottage pie! This pregnancy I have made it so much we actually got tired of it. (I can't believe it.)

  5. Love the cottage pie Marie! Looks really yummy.

  6. Thank you so very much for your comments and reflections of life. I truly enjoy reading your LDS perspectives - thank you! AND...your beautiful pictures and luscious recipes!!! I love visiting your blog:)
    A sister in faith
    Laurie from Clinton Maine USA
    PS - I'm not crazy about the music - but I can choose to mute it!

  7. What a great post giveaway. Please do count me in and feel free to pop by and say hello.


  8. Marie, Congratulations on 150 fabulous posts - you are an inspiration to us budding bloggers! I will def visit the nominated blogs - I have always loved your choice of blogs so far! The book sounds great as does the cottage pie (its never too warm!) I like the music choice, however I always forget its there and wake up the baby when I'm blog-watching at night! Hx

  9. Marie, congrats on your well deserved award and your 150th post! The pie looks great and you're right it looks like it is finally getting a little warm for winter warmers like that.

  10. Your's is the first, and sometimes only, blog I read on a busy day. I am not familiar with the author of the cookbook, but would love to be the name drawn and become familiar with her. :-)

    I could do without the music. Sometimes I am reading blogs in the night if I can't sleep, and don't like sounds coming at me - maybe wakes me up too much, plus I'm afraid it will wake up my husband. If, like Laurie, I can figure out how to mute it, it's no big deal.

    Thank you for sharing your life with so many of us. :-)

  11. I've never tried leeks in the potato part of the pie, sounds good to me.
    I have been checking your Live Traffic Feed in the sidebar lately. It always lists a slightly different location where I am coming from, never got it right so far, but it makes me chuckle.
    Must go check out that cookbook author.

  12. Congrats on your 150th post! I would love to be in the running for a cookbook! Yeah!

  13. Wow, Marie, 150 posts! That is awesome! It will be a good long while before I get there. Throw my name in for the cookbook! That Cottage Pie looks a treat.

  14. Congratulations Marie--on 150 (that is a milestone!) and your well-deserved award! You place here is full of purpose and inspires me daily to think better, to love better, be better, and not least to cook better! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful award with me. I must say I went all over in tears over what you said about my blog--I'm so glad it makes a difference in your life! I'm excited to read the links of the other awardees here. :o) And what a sweet gift--a cookbook! I like Annie Bell's writing and recipes. Your cottage pie looks a treats...I'm dreaming up a veggie-variation with red lentils! Thanks again, my dear friend ((BIG HUGS))

  15. Marie.....

    ((HUG)) - I'd give you a real one if I could.

    Thank you.. again... so much.

    Which reminds me, I have a lot of awards to pass along.... I'll be doing that soon.

    xo Misty

  16. Marie,

    As usual, you have stunned me beyond words. Even after I finished drooling over the Peanut butter Torte.

    Thanks so much for giving me the award! It means everything to me. I'm even more excited you've agreed to illustrate my books!

    And I just saw your new angel painting, and I have to tell you this is starting to get scary. I've always been drawn to angels, espiecially at Christmas, for a long time. I've always thought that angels were around when we needed them most, and I think your illustration sums it up perfectly. Wonderful work! :) I love it!

    Now I'm off to go write my acceptance speech at the Pond.

  17. I love your blog and all the lovely things you share. Please add me in the contest for the cookbook!

  18. I love your blog,love the music and would love to win a cookbook!
    Keep up the great work.

  19. Congratulations on your award. It is so deserved. And Happy 150th. I wish I could have read them all. You uplift me!

  20. Annie Bell? I've never heard of Annie Bell?! There's a cookbook out there that I don't have? This can't be!!!!

    Yummy looking recipe!

    Michele H.

  21. Hi Marie,
    You treat everyone with such kindness :)

  22. I agree, when you give someone something that you love yourself, you really are giving them a treasure.
    How kind of you! :)

  23. Congratulations on your award and your 150th post. I love reading your blog on my RSS reader. I would love a chance to read the cookbook. Thanks.

  24. I would love this cookbook as it is one I don't have yet. I enjoy your blog everyday--thanks for the great recipes and insights. I like music--just not when I'm reading blogs :-)

  25. Congrats - and I love your music. I normally have sound off and didn't realize your blog had some until recently - great addition. I'm enjoying an English perspective on life, cooking, and baking. Include me in your giveaway please.

  26. I am so, so, SO SO SO INCREDIBLY flattered that you picked me!!! I'm not the sort of girl who wins awards you know! I just want you to know, that you are the reason for my smile today. :) I am writing about this on my blog...tomorrow...when it isn't midnight. THANKS MARIE!

  27. CONGRATS...! i hope you keep on writing and brightining my day.!
    love and wishes

  28. Hi,

    I have been reading your blog for some time now. I really love it. I have tried some of the recipes, and I love your photographs. Your life sounds so fascinating. It's so interesting to see how people live all overe the world. I do like your music! I haven't felt the need to comment until now. I really liked reading your post yesterday about families. I am not a LDS, and I can be liberal in my thinking, but I wholly agree with the ideas in the book you wrote about. I think a great deal of the problems in society are a result of the breakdown of the family. My children mean everything to me, and my heart breaks for every child that doesn't have a parent that feels the same way. Thank you so much for sharing through your blog. I will keep trying the recipes.

    Leigh in NC/USA

  29. woohoo! I'm not too late! Add my name in the pot!! I know, I need another cookbook like I need another 10 lbs on my butt, but what can I do...I love cookbooks....LOL


  30. Cottage pie looks super yummy. I need to try that one.

  31. Marie,

    I still read your blog "first" each day. Your words are inspiring and of course I love your recipes! Thanks for being there and for thinking of your readers with a "cookbook"!

    Scottsdale, AZ

  32. Cottage Pie is one of my favourite comfort foods Marie. I like the addition of cheese in the potato topping:D

  33. Cottage Pie is one of my favourite comfort foods Marie. I like the addition of cheese in the potato topping:D

  34. Cottage Pie is one of my favourite comfort foods Marie. I like the addition of cheese in the potato topping:D

  35. Gosh Marie, I don't know how I missed this post but I did! Mimuther adores you, you know, for pointing out the difference between Shepherd's and Cottage pies. She thinks nobody ever listens when she tells them!
    love, Angie, xx

  36. Cottage Pie is one of my favorite things to make! It is so flavorful and comforting and there is never a scrap left! I love reading your blog. The pictures are always so pretty.

  37. Congrats on 150!
    Here's to the next 150!!
    Cheers to you!!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!