
Friday 16 May 2008

And the winner is . . .

Sorry to have kept you in suspense all day today, but with work, and then physiotherapy late this afternoon, I've only just now had a chance to draw the winning name of the cookbook giveaway! I'm so excited. I really hate to have to pick only one of you, but I only have one cookbook to give away!!!

All the names have been handwritten out by myself and put into a crystal bowl. Who will the winner be?? Oh, how I wish it could be all of you! Todd is pacing back and forth, his fingers just itching to get into the bowl and ruffle the papers around.

Oh Goodness me! Can it be??? It is!!! It's you Tracy! Congratulations Tracy of Pink Purl !!! Your prize will soon be winging it's way across the English Channel to Norway! I hope you enjoy it!

Sorry I could not give a prize to everyone, but never fear . . . knowing me, it won't be too long before I pull something else out of my treasure box to give away to another lucky reader one day soon!


  1. congrats tracy.. oh well better luck next time for the rest of us

  2. Congratulations Tracy wooohooo! Have a great weekend Marie.

  3. Congrats Tracy! Marie, it's so kind of you to have all these contests!

  4. Congrats Tracy!!!! Marie, you are a jewel to hold these contests.

  5. I say we all head on over to Tracy's house after she cooks a recipe from the book!!! hee hee...


  6.! I won??!! Oh, my goodnes...Thank you sooo much Marie! What a fun and exciting contest, such generous gift you are giving. You are too, too sweet! :o) And yes, everyone come on over to my place for a meal...I can't wait to dig into Annie Bell's recipe! Thank you, my friend Hope you & Todd are having a lovely day ((BIGGEST HUGS))

  7. Lucky winner!!! And I hope your trip is going wonderfully and that you are taking lots of pics!

  8. Congratulations to Tracy and what a lucky woman eh? And what a lovely woman you are Marie for doing this. You deserve a prize yourself! Even if I never, ever won I could forgive anything if my little ticket went in a crystal dish. I love crystal. Great entry here too.
    love, Angie, xx


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