
Monday 21 April 2008

To Dream a Dream

There once was a wise old man who was said to be writing a book. Year after year passed, but as they went by he was still a very long way from finishing it and reaching the last page. One day, when he was very old, a young man went to visit him. He asked the old man if he did not get impatient from time to time and long to see the book completed.

The old man merely smiled at him as he replied softly. "All my life it has been my goal and ambition to finish writing my book, but an ambition realized is like holding a snowflake in your warm hand. Take away the dream, and what would I have left?"

The old man died in his chair, pen still in his hand, unfinished manuscript laying on the desk in front of him. They said he was smiling happily and looked content.

We all have hopes and dreams. Often these are the motivators that keep us plugging away and moving forward. Hopes and dreams inspire and encourage. As it says in my sidebar . . . you got to have a dream if you want to have a dream come true!

(If you look really closely at this photo you will see a bumble bee that I managed to capture flitting from bloom to bloom)

It is raining here again this morning, and quite heavily. We have a little electronic weather machine here on our kitchen window sill and we could see the rain coming yesterday afternoon. It was a gloriously sunny day yesterday so at least we had that. Todd spent the afternoon puttering about in the garden putting in some bedding plants he had gotten on Saturday. I know one is not supposed to work on the sabbath, but I don't think it's really work for him. I think he rather enjoys it and finds it somewhat relaxing to be digging in the earth.

I am not a gardener, but I do like to enjoy looking at the end result of his ministrations. He was busy putting in all sorts yesterday . . . snap dragons, geraniums, petunias, marigolds, lobelia . . . we have sweet pea seeds to plant up and get started in here. I do love them so. we always have them climbing up underneath one of our kitchen windows and it's such a cheery sight in late August to look out the window and see their pretty coloured blossoms bobbing in the breeze. I believe they are one of my very favourite flowers.

We have an old terra cotta strawberry pot that we use as a base for a birdbath (an upturned bin lid) and he has planted red geraniums in each hold. It should look really lovely once they are all blooming. The birds enjoy this makeshift birdbath so very much and I get real pleasure out of watching them in it, preening and flapping their wings about. The black birds seem to enjoy it most of all and often on a really hot summer's day you will see one in it just sitting, with it's wings stretched out.

I don't know what I'd do without the birds to watch. I get ever so much pleasure out of watching their antics in the garden and listening to their pretty voices, especially this time of year. Even this morning in the pouring rain their melodies wash over me and tickle my soul. I even heard a cuckoo on Saturday morning, and not far away either. Spring has well and truly sprung . . .

From time to time I get a real craving for a burger. Sometimes it's a nice beef burger, made of ground steak, lightly seasoned and stuffed with Stilton cheese and at other's it's this delicious turkey burger, filled with all the flavours of Greece. This one is a real taste pleaser . . . well . . . if you are fond of Greek food at any rate!

*Turkey Burgers a la Greek*
Makes 4

This is a tender and moist burger stuffed full of all the lovely flavours of Greece . . . tangy feta cheese, salty kalamata olives, garlic and oregano . . . dressed simply with lettuce, mayonnaise, sliced tomatoes and red onion. This is a real winner either grilled outside on the barbecue, or in a hot skillet on top of the stove. These are the absolute best! Todd has them in a toasted bun, but I just have one on my plate without the bun and adorned with all the fixings, kind of like a Greek taco salad!

1 lb ground turkey
1 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup kalamata olives, pitted and chopped
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon italian seasoning
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
( Do not use any salt in these as the feta cheese is quite salty)
To Dress:
Lettuce leaves
Sliced tomatoes
thinly sliced red onions
mayonnaise, if desired
Crusty rolls, split and toasted or Pocket breads (pita)

Allow the turkey to come to room temperature and then place it into a bowl with the cheese and seasonings. Mix well with your hands until well combined. Shape into four patties.

Heat the barbecue or a large skillet on top of the stove and cook the patties, until the juices run clear and there is no pink inside, cooking for about five to six minutes on each side.

Serve on either toasted buns or in split pocket breads with your choice of dressings. Delicious!


  1. These burgers looks delicious!

  2. You just can't beat a good burger every now and then. Yours looks superb.

  3. Nothing like a garden for inspiration outdoors and indoors--via the kitchen window! :o) This burger is wonderful, DH will love this one! So good to talk to you on Friday Marie, you've been a great comfort ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Your pictures make my heart smile. I need to stop and enjoy the beauty that is all around me. Spring is still trying to appear here. I think our tulips should blossom any day and I can't wait.

    I was planning on burgers tonight. I am going to try your recipe. My family should be very impressed!

  5. Those burgers look sooooo good! I'm starving too - you are making me worse!

  6. It looks wonderful! I love having flowers around. I just kill every one I touch, which is why Ben has to do the gardening...

    Man, I really want a burger now! I loved your witch story. I'll get it back to you soon!

  7. Your Greek burger inspires me to dream of another trip to Greece. Wandering around ancient ruins and eating at seaside tavernas. I am always thrilled when they have sweet peas at the farmers market. For $2 i will be happy for days:D

  8. Your Greek burger inspires me to dream of another trip to Greece. Wandering around ancient ruins and eating at seaside tavernas. I am always thrilled when they have sweet peas at the farmers market. For $2 i will be happy for days:D

  9. Those burgers sound really tasty with olives and feta in them!

  10. What a wonderful way you have of writing, Miss Marie.

    I'd like you to take a look at my blog. I've given you an award!

    God bless you

    Laura of Harvest Lane

  11. I am so loving your beautiful garden pics! Thanks once again, for all the inspiration!!! (((hugs))) Jenny

  12. Hey Marie - Loved your flower pictures (and reading this post) - especially like the second and third flower pics. Scott would love those burgers I bet. Thinking of you. xo

  13. I love the story of the old man and his dream. Sometimes it is the dreaming that is important, not whether we ever achieve the dream. Todd's gardening skills are quite good, what lovely flowers. Such beauty is always uplifting.


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