
Saturday 12 April 2008

To clap and cheer . . .

"Whenever I'm disappointed with my lot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in his school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. "Guess what , Mum," he shouted, and then said those words that remain a lesson to me: "I've been chosen to clap and cheer!" " ~Marie Curling

I found this little quote several days ago. I love quotes, as you probably know by now, and I collect them. I like to roll them around in my mind and ponder them . . .

I found these words to be very encouraging. Upon reading them I thought to myself, what a wonderful teacher this little boy must have had, that she was able to make each child feel that they had an important roll to play, even if it was just being a part of the audience.

Sometimes in life, we may be tempted to feel that we are not all that important in the larger scheme of things. I don't believe there is a person alive who is not special and useful in some way. Not everyone can be a world famous writer, poet, movie star, dancer, chef . . . it's important to remember that without a reader . . . a writer is only a person putting some words down onto a page. Poets are not poets unless there is someone to hear their words. Without an audience . . . an actor is just another person making a fool of themselves . . . It always takes someone in a lesser position to help support and make someone else great. It's the lesser person, perhaps, that has the most important job of all . . . for, really, what is a King without his subjects??? Just another man wearing a crown. Think about it . . .

I had an extra long lie in this morning. It's Saturday, so no work today for me. We got into bed rather late last night. We had the occasion to visit our temple last evening for a special get-together with other members of our stake, which started off with a lovely dinner together in the Temple dining room. It was a lovely meal and it was so wonderful to be able to spend several hours in the company of people we know and love. It's a beautiful day out there this morning. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and there's nary a cloud in the blue sky. A lot of the early fruit trees are in bloom such as the pear, cherry and plum trees. As I look out over the orchards that surround us from my upstairs window, I can see that tell tale flush of green that whispers to me that blossom will soon follow. It won't be long now before I hear the cry of the cuckoo echoing in the distance. We took a walk the other evening after our supper, down through the village. All the banks were brimming with wild primrose and polyanthus . . . so beautiful to see. Spring is well and truly arrived.

Back home in Canada, one of the favourite things on luncheon menus of many diners and restaurants is the club sandwich. My ex husband used to order one of those every time we had occasion to go out to eat. They always came to the table pinned together with pretty little frilled cocktail sticks on a huge plate overloaded with chips and coleslaw on the side, or very occasionally in a basket with the same. I often make them for Todd and I these days, but I make them a lot healther by using a whole grain bread and a low fat basil mayonnaise. They really are delicious.

*Turkey Club Sandwich with Basil Mayonnaise*
Serves 2

There is no need to forgoe this tasty pleasure if you are watching your weight. It can be made very healthy with just a few changes such as using low fat mayo and low sodium bacon. I, myself, can only manage to eat half of one of these, but I do have to say . . . I totally enjoy every mouthful.

2 TBS fat free or low fat mayonnaise
2 tsp finley chopped fresh basil
6 slices of whole grain bread, toasted
(I use a soya and linseed loaf for extra goodness)
4 ounces cooked turkey breast, sliced
3 slices of low sodium bacon, or turkey bacon if you are lucky enough to have it readily available
(grill until crispy and then drain well on paper toweling)
lettuce leaves
1 large ripe slicing tomato, sliced thinly
2 ounces of Swiss emmenthaler cheese, sliced thinly

First make your basil mayonnaise. Put the Mayonnaise into a bowl and stir gently to combine. Spread 1 tsp of the mayonnaise mixture onto each slice of toasted bread.

Place 1 slice of bread on each of two plates. Top with 1 ounce of turkey and 1 1/2 slices of bacon. Top with a second slice of toasted bread. Add another 1 ounce of turkey, some lettuce leaves, half of the tomato and half of the cheese. Top with the last slice of bread. Press gently to make everything adhere to each other. Cut each sandwich into quarters and serve.


  1. Those sandwiches look so good!
    I could eat one now and it's only

  2. I like the little anecdote at the start Marie. The sandwiches look yummy.

  3. I am always a little envious - and a little in awe - of people who know just the right thing to say. I always know what I OUGHT to have said when the moment is passed. What I need to say right now is those sandwiches are making me hungry!
    love, Angie, xx

  4. Lovely little story...and lovely thoughts on how we each of us are all special and valuable to this world! Great recipe too...DH would love one or more of these--LOL! Glad you a good sleep/rest and that you have the day free--enjoy! ((LOVE & HUGS))

  5. Marie, that quote is exactly what I need as a reminder. For what is a teacher without her students? There are joyful moments, no doubt... and there are the frustrations, the backsliding, the mistakes, and the perceived limitations put on us ... last week my one great joy was seeing one kindergartener write her name perfectly legibly. It was all the more sweet because I clearly recalled the day she first came, and where she wrote her name was scribble. It was my first shock of the year as the art teacher because I had not worked with kindergarteners during their first weeks of school. Back in August/September right up through Christmas, I had to write her name beside the scribble so I would know it was hers. Even she couldn't read her own scribble then. But now she is writing her name. Each letter perfectly formed. Her teacher and I celebrated right there in my doorway when I shared this discovery with her. She already knew of course, but for me, it was new knowledge. I love your new journal, and thanks for returning to mine again and again.

  6. Thanks for the truly inspiring post:D


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