
Monday 7 April 2008

Small and Simple Things

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." ~Alma 37:6

"The course of our lives is seldom determined by great, life-altering decisions. Our direction is often set by the small, day to day choices that chart the track on which we run. This is the substance of our lives - making choices." ~President Gordon B Hinckley

Early yesterday morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw the snow begin to fall, only a little at first, but it continued on for most of the day until we had a good three or more inches. Now, that may not seem like a lot to you hardy North Americans, but understand this, here in the United Kingdom it does not take much to wreak havoc and cause chaos on the roads. We are just not prepared for it.

This morning as I awoke I could see that it was still there, blanketing the earth around us in it's pristine beauty, like a bit soft white comforter. There is a silence in the air, other than the cheerful chirruping of birdsong this morning . . . the silence that only comes after a snowfall. It may sound odd to say so, but the very air rings with it. It's lovely.

This weekend was the 178th semi annual conference of my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For those of you who don't know, we meet together as a group, all thirteen million of us, twice a year to hear our leaders speak. It is always a very uplifting and soul enriching experience, filled with lovely music and wonderful words. This particular one was also special in that it was going to be the first one presided over by our new Prophet and President Thomas S Monson, our beloved Gordon B Hinckley having passed away some two months hence.

There are usually four main two hour sessions, two on the Saturday and two on the Sunday. Because of the time difference, though, we usually only get to watch one on each day and catch up with the two we have missed at other times. There is also a special one shown just for the instruction and enrichment of the men of the church.

On Saturday we decided that we would watch the first session in the comfort of our own home, instead of traveling to the Stake Centre as we usually do. Todd had had a hospital procedure on Friday and was still feeling a bit woozy and queasy from it, and not quite himself. So late Saturday afternoon we sat here together on the sofa, Jess at our feet, and we watched it on the computer. (Isn't the world a wonderful place that we can do such things nowadays) It was special and wonderful. It was the first time, in my church membership, that I was able to watch what was called a Solemn Assembly. The leaders of our church were sustained in waves, with first one group standing up and upholding and sustaining them, and then the next, and so on until at the very last the whole church stood, united as one and upheld and sustained them. It was a very powerful and inspiring event, and I could clearly feel the spirit rush through me as I did so, even in the comfort of my own home, with Todd by my side. Imagine some thirteen million people, with arms raised to uphold and support , all with a single mind and focus, stretched across the earth, doing so in unison and purpose. Pretty powerful stuff.

The talks were some of the most inspiring and uplifting talks I have ever heard and the music was never more beautiful. At the end of the two hours, I felt so enriched and spiritually fed I was compelled to get on my knees in the quiet of my bedroom and talk to my Heavenly Father in prayer. That is something I have never been able to do when we have driven to our local stake centre to watch the conference, but here, in the safety, comfort and quiet of my own home I could . . . and I did . . . and it was wonderful!! If you wanted to read the talks or listen to them you can find the archives of the conference here. I believe there is just the audio right now, but the text will be available to read on Thursday.

We had every intention of driving to out stake centre to attend the conference with the other members of our church yesterday, but then the snow began to fall, and it looked worse and worse as the day went on, and so . . . we opted to once again watch it in the comfort of our home, We did, and we loved it. We, once again, felt uplifted and inspired by all the talks and the music, and I have to say, that, having been able to watch this at home has invited a special sacred spirit into our home, that yet lingers here this morning. It is a pretty special feeling. There is truly something magical and wonderful about being able to listen to and share such sacred things with the ones you love, in like mindedness and easy intimate companionship, in the special place that one calls home . . . the substance of our lives having been enriched by this choice that we made to stay home, and in doing so . . . we have been drawn even closer together than we had thought we were, or was even thought possible.

As you can tell from the photos, Mr Squirrel was back again yesterday. When I first saw him at the feeder, it looked as if Daniel Boone had left his coon skin cap hanging from the nuts, but upon closer inpection, it was discovered to be Mr Squirrel hanging onto the bottom of it like a little pouch. I could not figure out what he was doing at first, as he was hanging there in a most unusual way. I watched for several minutes and clicked some photos as I did. It was only after I downloaded the photos that I realized what he had been doing. He had been using his stomach as a receptacle for the nuts he was gathering from out of the feeder, so that he could drop them all onto the ground, and then come back for them afterwards. Ingenuous and very smart indeed!!! What intelligent little creatures they are!

With all the snow falling and the special feelings in our home yesterday I decided to bake a small cake . . . a celebration of life as it were . . . This is a cake that I often made for my family when they were all growing up. Another one from my thick blue binder of hand written receipts, tried and trues. Very quick to knock together and most delicious, it is a real pleaser on all counts. Another small and simple thing . . .

*Dandy Candy Cake*
Makes one nine inch square cake

Things just don't get much easier than this. All the cake ingredients are put into one bowl and beaten together all at once. After spreading in the pan you quickly make a candy like coconut topping that is sprinkled on top before you pop the whole thing into the oven, where it bakes up moist and tender, with deliciously tasty bits of coconut praline baked into the top and sunk in here and there for extra goodness. We love this any time of the day, but it's also a good breakfast cake served with fruit for that extra special touch.

1 1/3 cups plain flour
3/4 cup caster sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup vegetable shortening (Trex, Crisco or White Flora)
2/3 cup milk
1 large egg
Dandy Topping:
1/3 cup firmly packed soft light brown sugar
1/4 cup plain flour
3 TBS butter
1/2 cup flaked coconut

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Generously grease the bottom only of a 9 inch square cake tin. Set aside.

Measure all the cake ingredients into a medium sized bowl, and combine at low speed with an electric mixer until all ingredients are moistened. Beat for two minutes at medium speed, until smooth and well mixed. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, spreading it to fill the whole pan and leveling off the top. Make the Dandy topping.

In a small bowl combine the brown sugar and the flour. Rub in the butter until crumbly. Stir in the coconut.

Crumble the Dandy topping evenly over the top of the cake batter. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 30 to 35 minutes until the top springs back when lightly touched in the centre or a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven. This may be served warm or cold.

Variation: If desired you may use 1/2 cup of slivered almonds ins tead of the coconut in the topping. In this case, omit the vanilla from the batter and add 1/2 tsp of almond essence instead.


  1. Marie - That looks totally scrummy! I will have to try that one very soon.
    I made the warm cookie dessert from the link you sent me and the kids love it - Thank you!

  2. Your snowy squirrely is sooo sweet, Marie! And so is this cake today--big yum factor on this one! Such a treat too talk to you yesterday...oh, how I wish we could do so everyday--LOL! ((BIG HUGS))

  3. NO WAY!!! You are LDS, too?! That makes me love you and your blog even more. :)

    I loved listening to GC, too. It was so wonderful.

    That cake looks so tasty. My mom used to make something similar when I was growing up.

  4. When I was a teacher, I was privileged to have a young man in my very first year who was a memeber of LDS. He was somewhat troubled but a gifted writer and I took a specail interest in him. It was a 10th grade class and for the first time in his academic career, he began to perform at the level at which he had always been capable. For wnatever reason, he and I "clicked." Annually, his church had a dinner to which the young people could invite an adult--a teacher,counselor, scout leader, etc.--whom they admired. I was so flattered that he chose me. I ended up teacheing three of his siblings and each year, I was invited to that special dinner. I've never forgotten him or his wonderful family.

  5. I found your blog and think it is wonderful. I was also grateful for the chance to listen to conference. I was lucky enough to watch all 4 sessions from home. It was wonderful and I feel renewed!

    This cake looks delicious! I can't wait to try it.

  6. It's the same here in the Pond. A bit of rain and people go nuts and slam their cars into each other and back up all the roads. It iced over the first year I was here and the entire city shut down for three days. No one could get to work, schools were closed...

    The cake looks fabulous! Check out my blog tonight--update over the babies' encounter w/ the in-laws!!! :)

  7. Too cute pics of the squirrel! and the cake looks delicious!

  8. Great snow photos! Lovely! Glad you enjoyed your meetings from the comfort of your home!

  9. What beautiful snow pics! :)

    That cake looks so good!!


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