
Friday 4 April 2008

Make Me Bake Golden Honey Gingerbread

I baked my Make Me Bake challenge yesterday afternoon when I was home on my break. (I know! What am I like! I just can't stop cooking!) This Warm Honey Gingerbread is a recipe from, once again, my Old Blue Binder. It smelled heavenly when it was baking in the oven . . . all fragrantly spicy and homey . . . cinnamony and gingery. It is not a dark gingerbread, in that it's sweetened with the goodness of honey instead of molasses, but let me tell you . . . you just cannot go wrong with a warm square of this.

I made a sauce to spoon over top of it . . . just some ginger jam and a bit of fruit juice warmed up and then I topped it off with a lovely dollop of clotted cream. Todd really enjoyed it and thanks you from the bottom of his heart for voting for it! He says . . . "Ta very much!"

*Warm Honey Gingerbread*
Makes one 9 by 13 inch pan

This delicious gingerbread is moist and full of the lovely spicy flavours of ginger, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. It smells so wonderful when it's baking it's all you can do to wait for it to finish before you tuck into it. Be sure to beat the eggs until they are almost as thick as whipped cream before you add them to the rest of the batter. This is the secret to it's wonderful texture.

2 cups plain flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup of soft light or dark brown muscovado sugar
2 large free range eggs, at room temperature
3/4 cup honey
1/2 cup boiling water

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Butter a 9 by 13 inch nonstick baking pan and set it aside.

Sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg together into a bowl. Set aside.

Put the butter into a large bowl and cream it until it is light and lemon coloured. Add the brown sugar gradually, creaming it in after each addition until it is light and fluffy.

Break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat them with an electric whisk until they are almost the texture of whipped cream. Make sure your eggs are at room temperature as it will not take as long.

Add the eggs to the butter/sugar mixture in three parts, beating it well after each addition until it is well blended together. Add a fourth of the flour mixture, beating it in until well blended. Beat in the honey until it is smooth. Beat in the remaining dry ingredients and finally add the boiling water, stirring until smooth.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake in the pre-heated oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until well risen and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Serve warm, cut into squares with some sauce and whipped cream if desired, or a nice scoop of vanilla ice cream.

The leftovers are lovely warmed up and sliced, and then spread with some butter and ginger preserves for breakfast the next day. Deeee-licious!!


  1. Marie, the wedding food sounds great, but your gingerbread looks delish!

  2. I love how enthusiastic you are about your craft! I'm so glad you had such a splendid time cooking and learning from the caterers!

  3. It sounds like exciting times are coming up. Wouldn't you just love to get your hands on all the caterers dishes.

  4. So very exciting with all the wedding plans in full swing...and such wonderful food ideas! Making food for 300 would have been crazy--but a nice big stone in your crown if you'd had to. :o) Love this gingerbread cake recipe--a favorite! Happy weekend, sweet friend ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Hi Marie!
    That raspberry soup with vanilla ice cream sounds so good! Lucky you tasting all that wonderful food! :)
    And your cake is gorgeous too! usual :)

  6. Fearless Kitchen4 April 2008 at 17:25

    I love the gingerbread recipe. It's a very soggy, nasty day here in New England, and the gingerbread looks so nice and pleasant and comforting...

  7. I have yet to see a caterer in my area go to the extent your caterers did - really impressive. Isn't it fun to watch others work like that?
    The cake looks amazing and worthy of leaving my computer right this minute to bake it.

  8. Sounds delightful....I haven't been by all week & I have alot to catch up on. I haven't gotten your package out yet either (so sorry), but I will get it there I promise. Don't give up on me Marie...If Gordon Ramsey comes to the big house...I will be getting a passport & ticket I promise!! I love him!! (yelling & all)

    all that food sounds delicious.

    I must catch up with your writings. talk to you soon.Michele

  9. What a fantastic experience, to watch chefs prepare for a 300 people banquet, how exciting. The food all sounds mouth-watering. Your Warm Honey Gingerbread also sounded just and delicious, I may even give it a go myself when the weather gets a big cooler.

  10. I'm so glad they're not making you cook for 300 people! I'd end up just giving everyone jellybeans or something. The gingerbread looks's going on my list!


  11. How lucky are you?? That sounded great - tasting all that lovely food. Now I don't like cakes but your gingerbread looks yummy!!

  12. I can see you are going to enjoy the wedding as much as the bride and all her guests.
    No wonder you couldn't sleep with all those exciting recipes running around your head. I would have had to sit and write it all down before sleep came to me. I am behind with your alerts. Sorry Marie. I set up your alerts and read them but could not find out how to reply. I foud out how to return to the main page and now I find there are lots more entries to read!
    I will have to come back another time.
    As for catering for large numbers? I worked with a kitchen brigade of morning and afternoon staff at the school where I once worked as a cook and we were able to cater for up to 500 for buffets, b/bques and sit down functions.
    Its all in the organisation and delegation to those capable of carrying out the various jobs through to the end.
    Planning and timing. It comes together that way and is over before you know it.
    Jeanie xxx

  13. How lovely for you to eat such delicious food and you didn't have to cook it yourself!! :)

  14. Marie - first off, I just LOVE your blog. It's one of the first ones I read whenever I go to my blog reader. Your stories are so very interesting and different. I have a blog too -
    and today I posted about your warm honey gingerbread.
    The cake was just wonderful. My grandchildren thought it was out of this world. I gave you all the credit, however, and linked back to your story. I just adore ginger preserves, and we just can't get good jarred ginger preserves here (in the U.S.). My mouth just waters thinking about drizzling some of it on a small square of the gingerbread.

    I also thoroughly enjoy your spiritual stories, and am in awe of your ability to remember full Bible verses. Keep up the good work, Marie.


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