
Wednesday 26 March 2008

Moments Remembered, Giveaways and French Coffee Cake

"We don't remember days; we remember moments." ~Cesare Pavese

What is life really, but a series of moments, both big and small. When I look back on the years I am very thankful for each and every moment . . . the good and the bad, for altogether they have helped to make me who I am, and I'm happy to say . . . "I like who I am."

After all the chill and rain and cold of this past Easter weekend, I went out into the garden yesterday afternoon with my camera. The sun was shining, and I didn't want another day to pass without feeling the sun on my face, or me marking it in some way. I wandered about and looked for signs of life, amidst the dry leaves that remain from autumn along the base of the shrubs and bushes, and was thrilled to find little scraps of colour here and there. The rhubarb is peeking up in one corner, and my mouth watered at the thoughts of a rhubarb pie or crumble . . . the taste of spring.

The branches of each tree and shrub are full of tiny buds, small leaves beginning to unfurl . . . each one tender and sweet with the promise of warmer days to come, and indeed, when I look out over the orchard behind us from our upstairs library window, I notice that the view has taken on that distinct soft green hue that is only present in the springtime, like a fuzzy green haze that covers every branch and limb . . . the greening of England is what I call it. Most welcome after the dull and grey months of winter.

Little red tulips line the drive and purple hyacinth greet us by our back doorway. Beneath the bushes yellow primrose are in bloom, and indeed they line the banks by the lanes and pathways that meander through our small village. The earth is awakening and stretching it's arms open wide to greet us. It is a lovely feeling, despite the chill that still lingers on.

I remember to savour each moment, each smell, each little gift. To mark each day that passes in some small and treasured way, even if it is only the sight of a feather caught upon a budding branch, or a dozy winged early spring bumble bee making it's way along the base of the hedgerow out back. Signs and moments and intimate pleasures that are free for the taking, and yet they enrich my life in numerous ways, too many to count . . . but I mark them in my mind and take note, so that in days to come I can take them out and roll them around and feel their specialness again . . . just when I need them the most.

With all the busyness of Easter, I had forgotten that I had wanted to do something *special* to mark my 100th post here on blogger! Well, here it is my *106th* and I am marking it with a special Giveaway!

Time passes far too quickly it seems, and if it were not for the special moments that we treasure in our hearts, it would soon be forgotten and a blur. I'd like to make my special moment a special moment for one of you, so I am giving away one of my most favouritest cookbooks. There's a lot of sweet indulgences and special moments in this book, and lovely ways to treat the ones you love and mark those special times together!

Just leave a comment at the end of this post and I will enter each name into a draw at the end of this month. Don't be shy!!

Oh, I do love to give things away, and I can't think of anyone nicer to give them to than YOU!!!

Todd always has meetings on Tuesday evenings and so I pass the hours away while he is out usually by baking up something good and tasty to greet him when he comes back through the doorway at the end of the evening. Last night it was the French Coffee Cake that won my poll last week. It is an old recipe I have had kicking around in my old blue binder for a very long time and smells fantastic when it's baking. I always think a home should smell like a place you want to be when you come in from being away, a homey welcoming smell. Nothing says home more than the smell of some loving from the oven, be it bread, or cookies or cake . . .

*French Coffee Cake*
Makes 12 to 16 servings (depending on how greedy you are)

This coffee cake is impressive and delicious and very easy to make. I am not sure exactly why it is called French. I have never actually seen it on any of the trips I have made to France. I suppose some soul thought years ago that the name made it sound exotic and inviting and like a foreign treat. The smell alone when it's baking is inviting enough for me!

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup vegetable shortening (Trex, Crisco, White flora)
1 cup caster sugar
3 eggs
3 cups plain flour
1 TBS baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup chopped pecans

1 cup of sifted icing sugar
a few drops of milk

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly grease and flour a tube or bundt cake pan. Set aside.

Cream the butter and shortening together until fluffy. Beat in the sugar and then the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix together the sour cream, almond extract and the vanilla. Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture, alternately with the sour cream mixture.

Combine the streusal ingredients, mixing then together well.

Pour half the batter into the prepared cake pan. Sprinkle with half the streusal mixture. Pour on the remaining batter and then finally top with the remaining streusal. Run a knife through the batter just once for a marble effect.

Bake for 1 hour, until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. (start checking after 45 minutes though, just to be safe)

Remove from the oven and let sit for 15 minutes before removing from the pan to a wire rack to finish cooling. Place on a plate top side up (streusal side). Make the glaze by stirring the icing sugar together with enough milk to make a thin mixture which will drizzle well. Drizzle it haphazardly over the top of the cake. Cut into thick slices and serve with your favourite hot bevvie!



  1. I can't wait to try this recipe!!!!
    I would love to win the cookbook!!!

  2. This cake is probably French in the same way as Swiss Roll is Swiss or Black Forest Gateau is German! I wish people I know would stop saying 'Yeuk I don't like coffee flavourd things' and just try them. I will be making this anyway because Keith and the bunch of multi-racial gannets he works with will love it. Ohh heck, I hope that wasn't racist - it wasn't meant to be!
    love Angie, xx

    by the way, how can you bear to part with a cookbook? I couldn't. I would need an anaesthetic!

  3. Wow! That cake looks incredible. I could eat it right off my monitor!

  4. I love all your recipes you share! This one looks wonderful!

    I would love to win this cookbook!

  5. Oh, Marie! What a lovely coffeecake. I will definitely try that for brunch some time. And who couldn't use another cookbook - especially a dessert one!!

    Raquel from Recipezaar

  6. There seems to be some remarkable recipes in your old blue binder. Perhaps you should get that one printed. Especially with all the handwritten notes and added extras.
    Coffee cakes looks yummy.

  7. Never fear Angie! It is a brand new book of one of my well loved tried and true books. I could never give one of my books away! They're like my children! This was a new book specifically purchased to give to one of you delightful people!

  8. Marie, you're such a kind soul. :)

  9. This is a keeper. I will be trying it as soon as I can. I will keep my fingers crossed.


  10. I love coffee cakes with the asdditon of streusel. This looks like a keeper Marie:D

  11. That coffee cake looks incredible!! I would love to dive into that.

  12. Fearless Kitchen26 March 2008 at 14:54

    This looks great - I'm envisioning how it would look on my kitchen table, being presented as the kitchen fills up with people... Of course, it probably wouldn't look quite as good as yours. But still...

  13. Hi I've just come across your blog and I LOVE it! Can't belive I have missed out on so long of a UK blog - There are not enough of us!
    I must try the coffee cake - Looks fab! Hx

  14. Mmmm...I think I can smell that cake all the way across the pond! That looks like a yummy cookbook too! I am delurking to tell you I've been reading your blog since last year and so enjoy visiting your beautiful little corner of the world. Thanks for sharing!

  15. I want to make this now! Sounds like a great choice for Sunday morning with the papers and a cup of coffee. Double caffeine!

  16. I really enjoy your blog and have been meaning to comment before now.

    I'd love to get my hands on that book--it sounds right up my alley!


  17. That coffee cake looks so good! I really like the idea of using cocoa in the streusal.

  18. Congrats on hitting your 100th post! That coffee cake looks so good that I am going to try to make it although I know it won't look as pretty as yours :) That cookbook looks like it has some sweets I just have to make as well.

    Take Care,
    Yummy Things & Cupcake Dreams

  19. I don't know how your Todd keeps on to his trim figure with all your baking. You spoil him, you really do!

  20. What a wonderful entry. I love the photo of the red flowers peeking out and announcing their arrival to spring!

    Thank you for the sweet comments. :) I knew you hadn't forgotten me! And I haven't forgotten to thank you for the gift you sent. It's simply taking a while... (I do live in the Pond...) :)

  21. Gah.. so jealous!
    That coffee cake would make a lovely Thursday morning breakfast for me! *sighs* I'll have to make due with my grapefruit!

    Though, that cookbook looks delightful!

  22. Yum coffee cake and yum cookbook! Hi Marie. Been enjoying your posts. And that potato and corn casserole looks divine. Love, Ally xo

  23. Yum coffee cake and yum cookbook! Hi Marie. Been enjoying your posts. And that potato and corn casserole looks divine. Love, Ally xo

  24. Oooh, my poor hips!!! Your photos are really great, they 'sell' me on every recipe!!
    Nice to read your blog, Marie
    Hugs, Elly

  25. Your cake looks yummy! I'd like a bite right now:) Winning things is always fun too!

  26. That cake looks delic!! How was it??

    I want to win your cookbook giveaway!

  27. Yummy!! That coffee cake looks and sounds heavenly!
    Theresa N

  28. That coffee cake looks amazing! Would love the cookbook.

  29. Hi Marie, you spoil all of you readers with your words, pictures and fabulous food, now another goody in the form of a cook book. You are a special lady :-)
    Frugal x

  30. This is much like a coffecake I make too. And, in fact, I just posted it to my own blog a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to compare the two and see what the differences are. Mine is baked in a 9x9 inch pan and doesn't have the glaze on it. Nor does it have almond, but that sounds like a great addition. It looks fantastic.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!