
Sunday 30 March 2008

Let Them Eat Cake!!!

Oh heck!!! Is today the 30th of March??? What with Easter last weekend, and the time going ahead this weekend, I almost forgot! It IS! It IS!!! It's Daring Baker's Challenge day! It almost, but not quite, slipped my mind!

Oh what a delicious challenge we had this month too! This month's hostess Morven of Rosa's Yummy Yums chose the recipe Perfect Party Cake from Dorie Greenspan's book, Baking With Dorie. (One of my most favouritest baking books of all!)

This truly was a challenge to me this month. I had left it to the last minute and, to be perfectly honest, we have been really caked out this month. After all there IS only two of here living at Oak Cottage, but then again . . . at the same time . . . I had been really looking foward to making it and putting my own unique stamp on it. And so, with that in mind, yesterday morning I pulled out all my baking equipment, got my creative juices flowing, and got stuck in to the challenge.

Actually the whole thing was a bit of a dawdle to bake. Just a simple cake, and, with Dorie's expert instructions, I knew it couldn't fail! I was very impressed with the pristine whiteness of the batter and I do confess I was in bliss when I licked the beaters clean. (HEY! It's a cook's prerogative after all, not to mention I don't have any children around to fight me for them!)

I was a little bit nervous when I took the baked layers out of the oven though. They didn't look quite as high as I had supposed they would be! Never mind . . . I tipped them out of the pan and on to a rack to cool. (Right side up of course!) They smelled gorgeous! I could hardly wait for them to cool before I put my stamp on them.

The buttercream icing was also not hard, as I had already pretty much conquered my fear of that in December when we did the Yule log!

I had just made a Victorian sponge last weekend and so did not want to make yet another cake with raspberry jam in the filling, and so I decided to fill mine with my homemade Lemon Curd . I also thought a layer of Orange Marmalade would go nicely in the middle, and help to counteract the sweetness of the lemon curd. I then thought (I was inspired) . . . tropical and so toasted my coconut to sprinkle all over it!!!

The end result was definitely not flat! It was high and marvelous looking, although I do confess I put perhaps a bit too much buttercream on the insides and so was starting to run out a bit when it came to frosting the outsides with it! Thank goodness for toasted coconut, which hides a multitude of sins! All in all . . . I would consider this a delicious success . . . and Todd didn't argue that point at all. All I could hear from his corner of the room was . . . the scraping of a fork and snuffling grunts of pleasure!

PS - For those who have asked, the recipe is a hyperlink in the first paragraph underneath the first photo posted. Just click on the words Perfect Party Cake and they will whiz you over to the recipe, just like magic!


  1. Looks like sweet lusciousness to me! I didn't think of toasting the coconut and it really looks terrific. Although I did lick the beater, I shared with my son who was giving me the eye. Totally excellent cake -- and yours makes me want it all over again.

  2. What a great idea! Your cake looks extremely scrumptious! Very well done!



  3. Oh Marie, what a delicious looking cake. You certainly know how to make something simple into something spectacular. Have you posted a recipe for a basic white cake mix yet? as I cant see the recipe from the link.

  4. love your blog..!

  5. What a great looking cake, Marie.

  6. Marie, it's a beautiful cake.

  7. Oh wow, I'm licking the screen, Marie that cake looks wonderful

  8. ooo..your cake looks so delicious with the lemon curd, Marie :)

  9. Your cake looks wonderful. Great job.

  10. I would almost kill for a piece of your cake right now. Lemon curd and toasted coconut. You are one smart lady. Its beautiful! I so wish I could taste it!

  11. The lemon curd is a very nice touch Marie...I should have toasted my coconut...oh well:D

  12. My mom made a cake for Easter last week shaped like a bunny and sprinkled coconut all over the white frosting. She left us with a large chunk and I had to throw it (well, what was left) out--I kept eating it. That and coconut creme pie will do me in every time.

  13. Well done on your scrumptious tropical confection! I also found it a refreshingly easy challenge, though I think if I'd left it to the last minute I would have begun to panic a bit. :)

  14. looks luscious....where can we find the recipe?? Usually the recipes are attached..

  15. oh wow! I am so hungry right now! Your cake looks delicious!

  16. oops...found it...silly me..thank you for the time you spend making our day great !!!

  17. For those who have asked, the recipe is a hyperlink in the first paragraph underneath the first photo posted. Just click on the words Perfect Party Cake and they will whiz you over to the recipe, just like magic!

  18. Yea, I'm thinking the best part of making any cake is licking the beaters afterwards! And the toasted coconut is the perfect play against all the white!

  19. Your on to something with this cake! You could market it as... Tropical goodness! The toasted coconut looks so scrumptious!!

  20. Great job! The orange gives such an appealing look.

  21. Yum! Wondering if this should be our birthday cake for my son next week....

    I know you're in Kent-I hope that A) you were not near the plane crash and B) that no one you know was near it, either.

  22. Luscious! I know you had a big glass of milk with that, eh? :)

  23. That is one luscious hunk of cake! It looks wonderful! I put lemon curd in mine too.

  24. Congratulations on your yummy looking cake!!! that coconut sure looks inviting ^_^

  25. Beautiful!
    I considered lemon curd, then grapefruit curd, then even cranberry curd (have some in the freezer) but in the end only had time for raspberry.
    Yours looks yummy though! I love the smooshiness of the curd with the buttercream!

  26. Your lemon curd peking out through the layers looks luscious. Beautiful cake.

  27. The cake looks scrummy. I've just downloaded the recipe and I'll bake it for the weekend. I've got grandchildren coming over and it will certainly be well appreciated. Thanks.

  28. Lemon and orange are a wonderful addition to this cake.

  29. Caked out? You must be joking!

  30. I bet that this was delicious! It sounds so tropic!!

  31. Your cake looks sinfully good! The tropical flavors sound so yummy:) Nice job!

  32. Beautiful, beautiful cake, Marie! Well done! Allison

  33. There's no such thing as too much buttercream!!! Great job, Marie!

  34. Your cake looks great! I love lemon curd!

  35. Your cake looks delicious. So moist and tropically decadent. We came up short on the buttercream too and had to make another batch. Lovely job and nice write up. Wendy

  36. I love the idea of lemon curd with toasted coconut. True bliss for lemon lovers.

  37. That cake looks divine!!! I wish I lived closer~I would surely be able to help you eat that cake!!! :)


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