
Friday 21 March 2008

All things Easter and Easter Chocolate Crispie Nests

May the promise of the Springtime, cheer you,
And the magic that it brings, thrill you;
May the healing of the sunlight, warm you,
And the blessings of Easter fill you.

May the peace of flowing waters, calm you,
And the strength of the hills, uphold you;
May the joy of waking earth, enrich you,
And the Blessings of Easter enfold you.

May the music of the morning, lift you,
And the hope of all the world, guide you;
May the love of those you love, sustain you,
And the blessings of Easter stay beside you.

Yesterday was the first day of spring and today is Good Friday. Easter is very early this year and indeed this is somewhat of a rarity for the last time it was this early was back in 1913 and it won't happen again until the year 2228! It's all got something to do with the Lunar Calender. It just doesn't seem like Easter this year, but that could have something to do with the cold weather and it being so early.

Perhaps if I had children here at Oak Cottage, and eggs to colour and hide, then it would feel different . . . and maybe more Eastery . . .

Yesterday a friend was telling me all about her little boy's Easter Bonnet that they had been making the evening before for his Easter parade at school. I was so happy to hear that they still did things like that these days, and it brought back some lovely memories for me.

Every Easter when I was in my younger years at school, the annual making of the Easter Bonnet would be the highlight of our spring calender! (At least to us girls! I can't speak for the boys, but somehow I don't think it had quite the same level of import for them!) Paper plates would be doled out to each of us, along with glue, ribbons and crepe paper etc. I would sit diligently at my desk, tongue between my teeth (yes, I am a tongue clencher kind of concentrator), with scissors in hand, trying to create the most beautiful Easter bonnet of all. Prizes were always awarded for the best one, so this was a serious business!

Tissues would be fluffed and formed into the most beautiful flowers and glued atop, along with crepe paper frills and a chenille Easter Chick or two, depending on how many I had gotten my grubby little hands on before they ran out . . .

Every year I would declare to myself that this was the most beautiful bonnet yet of all time, but I don't think I ever did win a prize for any of my Easter Bonnets. Nevermind though . . . the most thrilling and important part of the whole exercise was the Easter Parade itself!

Each class would take their turn visiting the other classrooms, and parading around the perimeter of the desks, showcasing and modeling their creations, while Judy Garland warbled "Easter Parade" in the back ground. I can remember practically dancing around each room, my heart swollen with an enormous sense of pride at the lovely creation sitting atop my head, all the while trying with dignity, grace and a great deal of effort to keep it aloft.

I am sure that this was an activity enjoyed by all of the girls, and scorned by most of the boys! ( at least outwardly so) Afterwards, we would retire to our own classrooms where we would be treated to the other class Easter Parades and then finally, the added bonus of Easter Treats and drinks . . . a classroom Easter Party . . . before we would be sent home for the Easter Holiday weekend, dragging our beautiful Easter Creations behind us to share with our individual families, where mother would declare that this year's bonnet was the most beautiful yet, as mothers often do . . . and so they should!

At home we would be filled with all the excitement of children who knew that in just a few days time the Easter bunny would be dropping off all sorts of chocolate goodies to tempt our palates, and maybe even a new skipping rope, some bubbles to blow, and a new bag of shiny glass marbles if we were really lucky . . . traditional springtime pastimes and pursuits.

When my own children were small, I used to delight in selecting them small spring toys and fancies for them to wake up to on Easter Morning. I would be up very late colouring the eggs on Easter Eve (?? Is there even such a thing??) Small foil covered chocolate eggs would be hidden all over the downstairs for them to seek out in the morning and each of their baskets would be filled with Easter grass, and other trinkets and treasures and . . . most important of all . . . a beautiful Easter bunny.

Here in England, the children all receive a huge chocolate easter egg, and in most cases, even more than one, for all their Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles also gift them with eggs as well. I think the little fella next door got about six last year and that wasn't including the one we had gotten for him! I am always amazed at the huge variety that can be purchased and enjoyed. Each confectionary company seems to have their own brand and you can get one in every flavour under the sun! I even saw one the other day on the telly from Harvey Nichols that cost £500. It was enormous and of solid chocolate. I guess that's the Easter Egg you get for someone who already has everything they need and not to mention if you have money to burn!

Me . . . I'm still a sucker for an Easter bunny, and if I've been a really good girl this year I may even get one. (My Todd does love to spoil me)

All these thoughts were running through my head yesterday afternoon as I was making an Easter confectionary for the young people at my church. They had their Easter Activity at the chapel last night and I wanted to bring something special in for them all to enjoy. I ended up having to work late, so Todd had to take them in for me, and I missed out on all the fun, but I am hoping that they appreciated them. This was my first time making these! They were very easy and a lot of fun to make as well!

*Easter Chocolate Crispie Nests*
Makes about 15

These are so easy to do and look so pretty when they are finished. I had long heard of Marshmallow Crispy Squares, but never these chocolate delights! What a sheltered life I have lived! I wish I had known about these when my children were growing up. They would have loved them!

50 grams of milk chocolate (I used Green and Blacks organic)
50 grams of dark chocolate (again I used Green and Blacks)
3 cups of crisp rice cereal
1 bag of Easter mini eggs (you will not need them all, but I am sure you will find a use for the extras, I did!)

Put a pot with some water in the bottom of it on the stove and bring it to a simmer. Break the chocolate up into bits and place it into a glass bowl, large enough to sit over the simmering water. Cook and stir until melted. Take care not to let the water boil. Once the chocolate is all melted and smooth, carefully remove it from the heat and stir in the rice cereal.

Line a bun tin with paper liners and spoon the chocolate cereal mixture in, dividing it equally amongst each cup. Place a few easter eggs on the top of each and set them aside to cool and set up. You can put them into the fridge to do this if you are in a hurry, but it may cause your chocolate to bloom. If you are a patient sort it really doesn't take that long for them to set up out of the fridge, perhaps not much more than an hour or so.


  1. Oh Marie - thank you for the lovely Easter memories you left on my blog - they really made me smile - I can just imagine you all with your egg necklaces!

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and restful Easter


  2. The stories of your Easter celebrations growing up were so sweet! My parents had a huge party for Easter every year when I was growing up. They would cover three front yards with eggs--one for babies, one for little bitties and one for the older kids. The one for the oldest kids was HARD! My dad would hide the eggs so they were nearly impossible to find. He would also dress up in a bunny suit, though we never knew it was him, and go visit all the kids and help the little ones find eggs. My mom made a bunny cake every year. When Ben and I have kids, I'll do that for them.

  3. Marie, I'm sure your Easter Nests were much enjoyed and appreciated. Happy Easter to you and Todd.

  4. These are just so cute Marie I wish I had little ones to help me make them...then again I am still young at heart...arent' I?

  5. Buona Pasqua, dear Marie :)

  6. Yummmm~chocolatey goodness!!


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