
Tuesday 19 February 2008

Tuesdays With Dorie and An Almost Fudge Gateaux

I am in love, seriously in love . . . but then . . . when you are speaking about words like "fudge" and "gateaux" all in one breath, that is not surprising!!!

This week's Dorie challenge could not have come at a better time, what with Valentines day and hearts and flowers flying around Oak Cottage, this was the perfect dessert to share with a loved one and some friends last Thursday evening. Without further adieu I present you with the Dorie challenge of the week as chosen by Nikki of Crazy Delicious . "Almost Fudge Gateaux"

As soon as I knew what this week's recipe was going to be, I knew it would fit the bill for a delicious celebratory dessert, and because it is Dorie's, that it would be a winner. I was right on both counts.

I actually make a dessert quite similar to this up atwork, called a flourless chocolate cake. I always serve it cut it into small slivers and placed on cut glass plates with a drizzle of raspberry coulis, a dollop of fresh clotted cream and a few fresh raspberries on the side as a garnish. It's both pretty and quite tasty. With that recipe though, you almost have to eat it right away . . . as it does not sit well and can seem somewhat dry the day afterwards.

Not so with Dorrie's though! Here it is, almost a week later, and yes, amazingly enough, there is still a bit here (as I have been trying hard to be a good girl this week). It is just as moist and fudgy this morning, as it was on the day I baked it, if not more so. (Fudge gateaux is good for breakfast right? It does contain four of the main food groups . . . eggs, sugar, four and . . . umm . . . the most important one of all . . . chocolate!)

I served it up drizzled with some Merchant Goumet Tres Leche Caramel sauce and people were licking their plates . . . I kid you not. This, folks, is a chocolate lover's delight . . . dense, fudgy and almost too good to be true. In short . . . a winner! (but then I knew it would be. I couldn't lose!) I know what the Mrs is going to get for her chocolate dessert at the next dinner party and I know that she will love it!

*Almost-Fudge Gâteau *

5 large eggs
9 ounces bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped (I used lindt of course!)
1 cup of sugar
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into chunks
2 tablespoons coffee or water
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt

For the Glaze (optional)
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
½ cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons light corn syrup

Getting Ready:
Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9-inch springform pan, line the bottom with parchment paper, butter the paper, dust the inside of the pan with flour and tap out the excess. Place the pan on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicone mat.

Separate the eggs, putting the whites in a mixer bowl or other large bowl and the yolks in a small bowl.

Set a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and add the chocolate, sugar butter and coffee. Stir occasionally until the chocolate and butter are melted; the sugar may still be grainy, and that's fine. Transfer the bowl to the counter and let the mixture sit for 3 minutes.

Using a rubber spatula, stir in the yolks one by one, then fold in the flour.

Working with the whisk attachment of the mixer or a hand mixer, beat the egg whites with the pinch of salt until they hold firm, but glossy peaks. Using the spatula, stir about one quarter of the beaten whites into the batter, then gently fold in the rest. Scrape the butter into the pan and jiggle the pan from side to side a couple of times to even the batter.

Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, or until the cake has risen evenly (it might rise around the edges and you'll think it's done, but give it a few minutes more, and the center will puff too) and the top has firmed (it will probably be cracked) and doesn't shimmy when tapped; a thin knife inserted into the center should come out just slightly streaked with chocolate. Transfer the pan to a cooling rack and let the cake rest for 5 to 10 minutes.

Run a blunt knife gently around the edges of the cake and remove the sides of the pan. Carefully turn the cake over onto a rack and remove the pan bottom and the parchment paper. Invert the cake onto another rack and cool to room temperature right side up. As the cake cools, it may sink.

To Make the Optional Glaze:
First, turn the cooled cake over onto another rack so you'll be glazing the flat bottom, and place the rack over a baking sheet lined with parchment or wax paper to catch any drips.
Put the chocolate in a small heatproof bowl.

Melt the chocolate over a pan of simmering water or in a microwave oven – the chocolate should be just melted and only warm, not hot. Meanwhile, bring the cream to a boil in a small sauce pan. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir very gently with a rubber spatula until the mixture is smooth and shiny. Stir in the corn syrup.

Pour the glaze over the cake and smooth the top with a long metal icing spatula. Don't worry if the glaze drips unevenly down the sides of the cake – it will just add to its charms. Allow the glaze to set at room temperature or, if you're impatient, slip the cake into the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. If the glaze dulls in the fridge, just give it a little gentle heat from a hairdryer.

I wonder what next week's delicious challenge is going to be! By the way so far it looks like the front runner in my "Make Me Bake" challenge is the Layered Lemon Dessert. Only a few hours left to vote now!


  1. That cake wouldn't last an afternoon in this household! Looks absolutely scrummy...

  2. I may make it for Ben's birthday! Looks wonderful!

  3. I like that you used another topping other than than the chocolate glaze!

  4. I am so glad you liked it. It looks simply perfect.

  5. Looks wonderful, and great use of a different topping!

  6. Gorgeous! Nice job rockin it out with a different topping!

  7. Mmmm! I love it!
    Beautiful job, Marie.

  8. Oh MARIE!

    I have dribbles of drool dripping from my chinny chin chin right now! WOW does that every look divine! YUM YUM!

    I am forever looking for a recipe that would duplicate the flourless chocolate cake I had when I tended bar years ago at the yaght club in town here. The Chef (Chef Dan) made this decadent Flourless Chocolate Cake with Chambord Sauce (a raspberry liqueur). OH IT WAS LIKE NOTHING I'VE EVER BEEN ABLE TO DUPLICATE and being the arrogant arse that he was, Chef Dan REFUSED to share the recipe. *grrrrumph*

    If you're ever up for the challenge ... I'd love to know how you make flourless chocolate cake up the big house for the Mrs. :) The one I sampled was of dark nature, less milk-like. It had a lot of good cocoa in it I'm sure. :)

    xoxo ... and thank you for your lovely compliments on my blog. You're a gem, I wish I could reach across the pond and give you a huge friendly hug! ;)


  9. Mmmmm, chococate and caramel. You can't go wrong there. Great job!

  10. What a geat idea for the topping! It really is even better the next day, it's gets smoother.

  11. Great idea, that caramel topping! Dulce de leche makes almost everything taste even better!

  12. Fudge and caramel - Mmmm. I don't think I'd manage to get that cake out of the clutches of myself and the biggest spoon I have.

  13. Looks great! I bet it tastes good with the caramel sauce on top!

  14. The caramel topping is a nice alternative to the chocolate glaze. Looks delicious!

  15. mmmm, i love the idea of drizzling it with dulce de leche! good to know that it keeps well too :)

  16. I love that you did a caramel glaze! It looks so tasty! Really a beautiful cake!

  17. The caramel looks delicious- great job on your cake!!

  18. That looks so good with the caramel sauce drizzled on it!

  19. The caramel looks perfect with it!!

  20. Almost Fudge Gateau...with tres leches caramel sauce. Yeah, I'd be tempted to lick the plate...

  21. With clotted cream?! Oh, I'm in heaven :)

  22. Wow this looks so delish


  23. Marie, how can you possibly have that in your house and not eat it straight away?!

  24. Got to love the caramel drizzle.

  25. i agree--it got even better after the first day! looks great!

  26. The caramel sauce is a great idea, and it looks so pretty too.


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