
Thursday 28 February 2008

Hot Cross Buns, A Tag, and a Really Good Pudding

We've had such a lovely week here at Oak Cottage. The sun has been shining and the garden has been humming with all kinds of activity. Little bumbly bees and lots of birds. It feels like Spring has truly sprung, although, they do say to "not cast a clout until May is out!" You just can't help but be inspired by all the sunshine and warmer temperatures though, and, after all, Easter is just a few weeks away! (If you haven't done so already make sure you leave a comment on my Easter Giveaway post for a chance to get in on the fun and win a lovely chocolate bunny or egg full of lovely hazelnet truffles!)

A few days back, Tammy of Wee Treats By Tammy challenged me to do a meme. I do love a challenge, and so here goes:

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Believe it or not ten years ago I was living in a house out in the rural countryside of Nova Scotia, Canada. I spent my days taking care of a home and five children, while I crafted and sewed dolls, teddy bears, Angels and Christmas ornaments for various craft sales that I used to ply my wares at. Just goes to show that your life can change in an instant and you never know where the road is going to lead.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Probably the exact same thing I am doing now, but with different words. ;-) (in other words blogging!)

Five snacks that you enjoy: (this could be interesting, now I get to tell you all my dirty little secrets!)

1. Cheap white bread, but very fresh and soft, spread with cold butter and Heinz Sandwich Spread

2. Ready Salted Plain Potato Crisps eaten with a bar of good milk chocolate (Green and Blacks being my favourite) It's that salty/sweet thing.

3. Fresh Apples, cut into thin slices and spread with cream cheese

4. salted pistachio nuts, un-dyed

5. chocolate, chocolate, chocolate (DID I mention chocolate?)

Five things that you would do if you were a millionaire: (I hope we're talking multi here!)

1. Quit my day job to write fulltime

2. Open that Bed and Breakfast I have always wanted to open

3. Set up several Perpetual Funds in the children's charity "Compassion." We already sponser two children and I would so much love to be able to sponser more.

4. Set up trust funds for the grandchildren and pay off all my family's debts and mortgages.

5. I've always wanted to go on a Norwegian Cruise. I guess it'd be the perfect time

Five bad habits:

1. I am a bit of a clutter bug. (shut up Todd!)

2. I day dream too much.

3. I eat far too much.

4. I'm addicted to celebrity gossip, although I won't go out and buy one of the sleaze mags. I prefer to stand in front of the magazine stand at the shops and quick scan the covers. I know that most of it is not true, but I just can't help myself! (my ex mother in law used to buy the National Enquirer each and every week. She believed that if it was in print then it had to be true)

5. I have chocolate stashes all over the house that only I know about. God help the person who gets in my way or steals any of it behind my back!

Five things you would never wear again:

1. Bikini
Over fifty and fluffy. Nuff said

2. Mini Skirt
(See number one)

3. Magic pants
Now I know what a cheap sausage feels like, with all of my stuffing oozing out the top and bottom, but wierdly constricted in the middle.

4. The red jacket trimmed with authentic artificial white lambs wool that I just had to have or I'd die back in Grade ten. My love affair ended with it the minute I got on the school bus and heard the whisperings of "Here Comes Santa Claus" being sung by a few choice people. Longest day of my life.

5. A knitted toque. Can you say Hat Hair? (Only slightly less annoying and attractive as Bed Hair is)

Five favourite toys:

1. My yellow Kitchen Aid Blender that I won as an award by having the Star Letter of the month in Sainsbury's magazine.

2. My hachoir. Chopping herbs was never easier, or quicker!

3. My wooden lemon reamer. Does a perfect job and looks so cute in my drawer.

4. My salt pig. (It's actually a pottery Fish that I got a few years back when we were on Holidays in Cumbria. I fell in love with it at first sight and had to have it)

5. My stick blender. How could you ever live without one of these!

Wow, I can't believe I'm finished already! So, now you know a bit more about me that you never imagined knowing or ever even wanted to know and it's my turn to tag five of you, which I really can't do, so if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged!

One of the things I love most about Easter is "Hot Cross Buns." Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns, one a penny, two a penny . . . you know the drill. I could eat them cold or warmed up in the oven and toasted and spread with oodles and oodles of butter. I just can't get enough of them. Another tasty way I like to enjoy them is in this lovely Hot Cross Bun Bread and Butter pudding. If you've never tried this, then . . . you've never truly lived.

*Hot Cross Bun Bread and Butter Pudding*

Serves 6

This is the perfect way to use up some of those hot cross buns that have gotten past their freshest. It lovely and rich and full of the wonderful flavours of dried fruit and spice.

3 medium eggs
150g golden caster sugar
425ml double cream
425ml milk
softened butter for spreading
5 to 6 hot cross buns, each one sliced into three through the middle
1 tsp vanilla paste
90g apricot jam, warmed

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/375*F. Lightly butter a 2.5 litre deep baking dish and set it aside. Be sure to select one that will fit easily inside a larger roasting dish with some room around the sides of it.

Whisk the eggs and sugar to gether in a bowl. Once they are well mixed, whisk in the milk, cream and vanilla paste. Set aside.

Liberally butter the hot cross bun slices, including the top side where the cross is, with the softened butter. Fit them, put back together, into the prepared baking dish, fitting them in as compactly as possible. Pour the egg mixure through a seive over top and around the buns, submerging them as much as possible.

Place the baking dish into the roasting pan and fill the roasting pan up with cold water that comes two thirds of the way up the sides of the baking dish. Bake for 1 hour, until the custard is puffy and set and the bread is golden. Remove from the oven and brush the surface of the pudding with some of the heated apricot jam. It gives the pudding a lovely sticky glaze. Serve immediately. (we like it warm with some cream spooned on top) The leftovers (if you have any) are great for breakfast, honest!!


  1. I would love to live in your cottage and eat all these wonderful treats you keep creating! It's like a magical fairyland!

  2. That looks luscious...
    We are experiencing a week of warmth here as well,a nd the leaves have begun to show..I can't wait!

  3. by the way..I tagged you on Apronstrings for an award...

  4. I do exactly the same thing with the rags in the supermarket. I wouldn't dare be caught touching one, but sometimes I get behind someone with a lot of groceries so I can scan all the covers and/or headlines. Your recipes look yummy!


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