
Saturday 2 February 2008

A Valentine's Giveaway just because I care

If thou must love me, let it be for nought
a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
"I love her for her smile her look her way
Of speaking gently, for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of ease on such a day"
For these things in themselves, Beloved, may
Be changed, or change for thee, and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheek dry,
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity.

In honor of one of my very favourite holidays I would like to give one of you, my faithful readers a gift so I am doing a giveaway this month. The prize is a lovely candle by Lilyflame candles called Blush. Trust me when I say, this candle smells good enough to eat, but you won't eat it. You may find yourself seeking it out several times a day and huffing it though . . .

Leave a comment and I will pull out a winner from all the comments I receive on this post on Thursday, February 14th, 2008.
Don't be shy! Let me know you're here! It's time for all you lurkers to make yourselves known!


  1. Hi Marie,

    I hope this is where I am suppose to leave a comment...for some reason had a lot of trouble opening this site.....but it seems to be ok now......I loved the poem you posted...... Chris gave me a beautiful glass heart last year with the Corinthians Scriptures on it about love which I keep on our coffee table. If people kept those in mind, what a great world it would be :)


    Love is patient, Love is kind,
    It does not envy, it does not boast,
    It is not proud, It is not rude,
    It is not self-seeking,
    It is not easily angered,
    It keeps no record of wrongs.

    Love does not delight in evil,
    But rejoices with the truth.

    Love always protects, always trusts,
    Always hopes, always perseveres.

    Love bears all things, believes all things,
    Hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never ends.

    L o v e N e v e r Fails.

    Corinthians 13: 4 - 8

    Have a wonderful day :)

    Marilyn In Miami FL :)

  2. What a lovely idea.I am going to dig out some of my old poems I wrote a while back and post them soon. Love Pam xx

  3. How sweet of you, Marie, to do something like this! It sounds like a wonderful smelling fragrant candle. I used to collect candles when we lived in
    South Africa, but had to give them up when we moved over here - we came over with only 8 suitcases between the 5 of us!

    You are always so loving and giving
    You give us recipes, advice and are not scared of sharing
    On Valentine's Day, you are so kind to rush
    To someone special, a candle called Blush

    Please keep in mind, that you deserve much
    I pray that this poem, your heart will touch
    You deserve to get your books into print
    So publishers, read this, and please take the hint!

    Happy Valentine's Day, Marie. Hope you enjoy the corny poem!!!

  4. What a lovely thought Marie. Just like you to think of giving something to others.

    Here's a cheeky poem, but I think you all know it

    2 in a car
    2 little kisses
    2 weeks later
    Mr and Mrs

  5. A poet I am NOT!! LOL

    I found this in a book I have "Words of Love II".

    - Norwegian Proverb

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  6. I love a good candle! Thanks for your generosity!

  7. Delurking... I love to put poetry up, the only problem is that I read it so rarely and have found little that soothes my furrowed brow.
    Though I do love the love poems by E. B. Browning...

  8. You are so sweet and lovely, Marie! And what a pretty, generous prize. I'm crazy about count me in! Have a great weekend, my dear friend! Hope we get to chat next week. Did you get my email? ((HUGS))

  9. Marie!

    I love your blog! I have just spent and hour browsing through your posts and viewing pictures!

    I too love Valentines Day. Originally our wedding was going to be on Valentines Day this year.... but we changed it to the 16th in order to keep Valentines Day special. Heck who am I kidding... I want presents on BOTH days from KC. LOL

    Thanks for sharing the link! I have added you to my favorites!

  10. Hi Marie
    I've just popped out of the lurking cupboard to say Hi I love your blog, and my daughter's cookery skills are coming along a treat, due entirely to your daily recipes!
    She is due to give birth to our first grandchild over the next week - I wonder if she can hang on and give us a Valentine's baby!
    What joy whatever the date!
    Keep up the good work on the Blog
    Love Linda

  11. What a wonderful site you have here. I never was here before but i will be visiting again.

  12. Nothing is cherished as much as love and friendship on Valentine's Day. I love your little "piggy" piggy bank.

  13. I check your blog everyday and love it. I have made so many of your recipes. I love candles, so I will keep my fingers crossed, you will pick me from across the pond.

    Suzan (Lawrenceville, Ga.)

  14. Marie: I Just love this blog. I read all of your blogs every day!! My son and I were looking at the pictures and he just wants me to say that he loves your photos. Not just of the food, but of the landscape as well. Hope this finds you and Todd well!!

    Count me in!! Raquel from Recipezaar! (Snicklefritzie)

  15. "Oh my sweet Marie, how would love to be in your wonderful swap. As a matter of fact, "I was thinking of doing one of my very own too, just yesterday." Boy, we think!!!

    Have a great Sunday!!

  16. Hi Marie...That poem is lovely as is all her writings

    What a sweetheart you are for doing this as well. Love the list of recipes--will be trying some
    for sure!!!

    LUV YA

  17. Marie this is a really lovely and thoughtful thing you are doing. I adore candles and especially anything that's pink, girlie and glittery ;o) I hope your Valentines Day is as special as you are.


  18. Hi Marie, Trust you to be giving something away, always thinking of others!
    We don't actually celebrate valentines you all think that's quite sad, but I hate the commercialism of it all. Its our anniversary exactly a week later and we do our day of slushiness then. Flowers are cheaper, restaurants aren't overcrowded and the chocolates are all on cheap are we? This year we will be in Chamonix, so maybe it will be a little more romantic!

  19. I like the pig jar! I think it's cute! :) I'm not making a bid for the candle, let someone else enjoy it for Valentine's Day. I hope you have a lovely holiday!

  20. Hi Marie... I think this is my first time visiting you at this journal... how did I miss it? What I'm really wondering is when in the day do you ever find the time to keep two journals going, particularly since you post them every day? So here I am, a first time visitor, loving the pinkness of it all. The lemon pie photos and text are fantastic! I love the look of this blog. I'll come back to check this one again! I linked here from your aol journal. bea

  21. Yay I am leaving a comment and thus entering your drawing! :D how exciting, that is so great that you are having a give-away. Loved the poem on love, and I just wanted to say... I love you! Hope all is well,


  22. I'm so glad you found my blog so I could find yours! It's so delightful and your from England, wow! My Mom was born and raised there but no longer with us, so I hope to see it someday! I love your blog and will be back to try some of those yummy recipes. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway!

  23. What a pretty white tablecloth! I was computerless for a a week or so and it is good to read your blog again!

  24. Ok, I admit to being a lurker here for quite some time now. I just love reading about your cooking adventures, and your life. I lived in England for a could of years (far too briefly) and miss it each & every day. Your words often take me back, so thank you for that.

  25. I confess! I've been a lurker for some time now. I really enjoy your blog as it comforts and inspires me. Best wishes for a lovely day.

    Liberty Belle

  26. Marie, Your blog is fantastic! I love your stories of the big house! Your recipes are amazing! Keep them coming!

  27. thank you for the great contest

    enter me please

    pethof (at) gmail (dot) com

  28. My name is Ursula and I'm a Year lurker! I love your comfort foods, and can't wait to try some of your recipes.

    I see people posting love quotes & poems...I leave you a movie.

    Love from the states!

  29. Love both your sites Marie ...just curious ..does the Mrs read your blogs ?? I have tried some of your recipes and find them exceptional, happy writing

  30. That is so sweet of you!! And I loved the photograph. I know I am a bit far....Israel...But there is no mileage on freindship, right?
    Have a wonderful affectionate Valentines,


  31. Hi Marie, I read both of your journals and love them! Here is my entry for the giveaway, have a great day......Tami

  32. Ooh, Valentine's day is one of my faves too! Our anniversary is only days after V-Day so we have a big weekend-long celebration!

  33. Love your recipes and will be trying the Cauliflower pie for sure!


  34. I guess you didn't see me, Marie, but here I am!! See me waving? haha

  35. I just found your blog today, through the Foodie Blogroll! So of course, I had to enter. :) I am about out of candles in my new house, so I would LOVE to win this one!!!

  36. Hello Marie!!!

    Hoping a little sunshine makes it your way. :) What a sweet gift you're offering ... I am wishing for a scratch-n-sniff screen. ;) I'm sorry I have not been by sooner ... we have been having trouble connecting to the Internet for going on 5 weeks now!!! *sigh*

    Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!


  37. Ooo how nice of you to give this away. :) Enter me please!

  38. Please enter me in your Valentine candle giveaway. I totally do that "sniffing-ahhh" thing with candles. In fact I have one at my desk at work and when I'm stressed I just calmly open the drawer, remove the candle tin lid and inhale...calmness.

    Thanks for all your culinary inspiration.
    KellyRae Cooper
    Coolidge, AZ
    mail at kellyrae dot com


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!