
Sunday 20 January 2008

Do you Believe in Fairies?

I have long carried on a love affair with small whimsical beings called Fairies. As a child I would devour and read any book about them that I could find, most of them having been written by Enid Blyton. I truly believed that fairies hid underneath every dry leaf and every flower in our back garden and was always on the look out for the tell tale signs of their having been around. They lived in a mysterious world of enchantment that, as humans, we were only allowed an occasional furtive glimpse into. The sight of a fairy ring of toadstools on the mossy floor of a forest has always fueled my deepest imaginations, and indeed if you were to look across the rolling fields behind our cottage on a warm summer's day the air will be filled with little fairy wings dancing in the soft breeze. Some would say seed pods on their airborned journey, but I say differently.

As a lover of Fairies, my home is full of them. They peek out at every corner . . . especially when you least expect them. There are wood nymphs, and tiny beings with feathery whispy wings tucked in every nook and cranny. There is even one peeking out of a glass bubble which hangs over my kitchen sink. She watches me as I wash the dishes and somehow the chore seems easier to manage . . . Some are very magical looking, others are somewhat mystical, and still yet others are a bit dangerous looking. All are beautiful.

I was shopping the other day and discovered yet something else which captured my fancy. A small tin amongst others, but still this one caught my eye . . .

How can one fail to be entranced by a tin with the tell tale words "Fairy Dust" whispering across it's pink,and gold splattered lid.

A tiny, tiny princess
came to earth one day,
And if one listens closely,
we can hear her say,
A morning star in the East
still rises, still
today,The stillness touched
in solitude,
Amidst the breaking
of the waves.

I am in love at first glance. I cannot wait to get it home and see what magic resides inside . . .

As I open the lid a beautiful smell wafts up to my nostrils. It is at once magical and mysterious. It smells like cotton candy and babies . . . and the special way my mother used to smell when she was all dressed up on a Saturday night before going to a dance with my father. It is comforting and ethereal and whimsical. Look . . . there are lovely pink rocks peeking up at you from it's melted glassine surface. Only fairies can have pink rocks like that. It must be true . . .

Once lit, it's perfumed magic weaves it's spell around me and I am in another world. A world where it's ok to dream, and mystery abounds . . . where apple trees are full of blossom all year round and nature rings out with it's supernatural powers of seduction, in a world which parallels our own. If we but look to find it, we shall . . .

I am filled with the need to bake a cake, a fairy cake, sweet and pretty, and covered in speckles of pink fairy dust. Afterwards I shall sit in my chair, all in darkness save the soft light of my fairy candle, it's mystical fragrance surrounding me. I shall eat it and dream of magical kingdoms and hidden worlds . . .


  1. Awww, I want some Fairy Dust! I have books on Fairies...and gnomes (but not garden gnomes)
    Gorgeous cake!

  2. Love the fairy dust and the cake looks magical!

    Lots of love from
    The Tulip-Fairy!

  3. I have fairies and angels all over my Christmas tree...they only come out during the holidays. I used to have little fairy furniture in my garden with acorn caps for bowls for the fairies to eat from.Even us kids at heart need to believe in fairies..I believe!

  4. I love Lily Flame candles, they are just so good! I nearly bought this one last time, but bought the lavendar & lime instead, but this one is going to be my next buy! My favourite so far is one that smells like parma violets! Lovely!

  5. I want to have a piece of fairie cake and sit in the candle light too.What a great post.

  6. Such a sweet post, Marie! I do believe in fairies, and have come upon many a fairy ring...Lovely candle and fairie pictures here. And I, too, would love of slice of your fairy-decorated cake--yum! ((HUGS))

  7. This is the third time I'm trying to leave a comment to say what a wonderful looking cake you have made! Don't know what's gone wrong the first two times, but fingers crossed it'll be third time lucky.

  8. Marie,

    This is also a old Southern recipe and I have made it numerous times. It is great. Made a great pie today and mom made a cream cheese pound cake. I love you blogs and have made some of your recipes. Thank you also for all your prayers for us. Check out the Russian Tea recipe I put on my blog today. It is from my Grandmother Crook and is great for a cold winter afternoon. You will love it.

    Suzan (Lawrenceville, Ga.)

  9. Hi, just found you through Pink Purl and what a lovely blog you have! We have fairies living in the mossy gully at our place! {The girls call it fairy land}
    Your cake looks gorgeous and I think I will have to try it myself!
    Will definitely be back soon. :O)

  10. Marie! That is the prettiest fairy cake that I've ever seen! :)

    I love the pretty pink sugar crystals, flowers and pearly candies.. so gorgeous!

    And it sounds absolutely delicious as well. :)


  11. Lovely post Marie and what a wonderful cake. We believe, ALL of us. Tinkerbell actually lives with us - the real one!

  12. I do believe in fairies and they hide
    in my secret garden! This was a magical post! Loved it!

  13. I just stumbled across your blog and loved it! I'm a novelist who writes about all sorts of magical creatures and aims to create enchanting women's fiction (none of the typical depressing crap)...and your blog was like heaven to me! I love it! It's like warm apple pie and ice cream on a crisp spring day--completely enchanting. May I add you to my blog list?


    The Blonde Duck

    P.S. Not only do I believe in fairies, but I have flying pigs in my backyard and lint gremlins in my dryer that steal socks.

  14. Marie,

    I was so delighted to be added to your blog list! I promptly added you to mine. I showed my friend at work your fairy cake! She plans on making your jam surprise muffins for her niece to have a proper tea party (well, as proper as a tea party can be in Texas!)

    The Blonde Duck

  15. "I love Fairies and love this post...

    so dainty and elegant, I could just smell the candles now!

    Have lovely weekend Marie,

  16. Marie i came across your blog and what a beautiful blog you have. I love your Sour Cream Cake with that special fairy touch to it. I have added you to my blog list ;o)


  17. Awe I love all your fairies!! And that candle smells heavenly, I could almost eat it--then that cake, well, that is in a league of it's own! mmmm I think I need to make a point of not reading this blog when I am hungry...

    PS How's the driving coming?

  18. Your profile included a desire to write Children's books and publish a cookbook. I smiled when I read it. I've never wanted to publish a cookbook, though I've agreed to self-publish our family recipes for my three sons - all those hearty dishes they've been raised on... It will be titled: "It's Ready - Wash Your Hands" after the dinner round-up used by the one who wears the apron the most in our family - my husband. BUT!!!! I've always secretly yearned to illustrate a children's book... Your recipes and photos are killing me. I may have to borrow my husband's apron.

  19. Beautiful cake, Marie! Wow. I could sink my teeth right into it! Scott says come live with us and as trade for room and board, cook for us! :) Allison

  20. loved your writeup on fairies...and your cake is delightful!

    cheers from Newfoundland,


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